Building Energy Efficiency Services
based in PUERTO RICO
HVAC systems are the single largest energy consuming building system in most commercial facilities in the United States. As the cost of energy increases, the importance of proper service and maintenance is magnified and upgrading or replacing outdated or less-efficient systems makes good business sense. ...
Yet, today, the building sector is largely missing out from the carbon market due to a scarcity of methodologies, undefined baselines, poor access to capital, and unequal benefit sharing. There is vast potential to adopt better building and energy efficiency measures, and employ renewable energy sources to ...
by Veoliabased in FRANCE
Buildings of all kinds are major consumers of energy in the form of heating, cooling, lighting and hot water. Veolia develops energy services that enable building owners to reconcile occupant comfort with energy and environmental performance. ...
Manufactured by Veolia Water Technologiesbased in FRANCE
Buildings of all kinds are major consumers of energy in the form of heating, cooling, lighting and hot water. Veolia develops energy services that enable building owners to reconcile occupant comfort with energy and environmental ...
Global Weather Service: eSight’s new Global Weather Service provides an advanced service to access and record weather data for over 8,400 global locations, making it simple to better analyse energy consumption against local temperature, assess building energy efficiency and improve forecasting of future ...
by H2Mbased in USA
By spending time in the field, taking measurements, and asking the right questions, they ensure a level of detail that simplifies the bid and construction process and results in fewer change orders. Our MEP solutions place an emphasis on building performance, energy efficiency, and occupant comfort. And while our efforts might not be visible in ...
by PU Europebased in BELGIUM
Moreover, making buildings energy efficient contributes to avoiding fuel ...
Manufactured by RAYAR GROUP d.o.o.based in SERBIA
Industrial Heat Loss Management, Building Energy Efficiency through ...
based in FINLAND
WE are passionate about; Hybridisation in shipping industry, Energy efficient ship design, Deliveries of energy efficient solutions for new builds, Turnkey deliveries of energy efficient solutions for upgrades, Energy efficiency analyses of ...
Manufactured by RAYAR GROUP d.o.o.based in SERBIA
Our products range from engineered products to building & construction industry, energy efficiency products and construction equipment products. Our Distribution through the strategic channel partner conglomerate in Balkan States, India, Middle East and Sub-Saharan markets helps our principal partners to boost consistent sales ...
The first step for commercial buildings in identifying the energy efficiency status of your building. Now a legal requirement for Commercial buildings that are being sold or leased (there are exceptions), an EPC is often the first step in identifying the energy efficiency status ...
based in GERMANY
To ensure that the general public broadly accepts the legal requirements, the introduction of laws and regulations can be supported by different measures. As well as communications and information campaigns, this includes instruments like pilot projects or field tests, as well as market stimulus programmes which facilitate the necessary investment decisions. For this purpose, dena advises ...
based in FINLAND
The JulkisivuPlus service takes into account the residents’ point of view when housing companies decide to conduct façade renovations. Proper communication ensures the smooth progress of the project and allows residents to participate in decision-making. Every renovation project has an information officer who is a communications professional.The project manager holds the reins of the ...
Manufactured by Symphony Energy Co. Ltd.based in SOUTH KOREA
No matter the age or complexity of your portfolio, our BEO programme helps you to understand and rethink the way your building and its various systems use energy. By fine-tuning each micro system, we ensure that all work in harmony together to deliver optimal energy performance in the most cost effective way ...
based in CANADA
Our data science service division provides advanced analytics, modeling, forecasting, and use case design services to electric utilities working on energy transition problems. Our team of experienced data scientists and engineers works closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and challenges and develop solutions that help them make better decisions, improve ...
based in USA
Empower businesses and consumers to electrify their buildings and reduce non-renewable energy dependence. Clean Power Research offers utilities a suite of tools to oversee building electrification programs, including enterprise-grade program management software, a turn-key customer engagement solution, and advanced ...
Ecolution has a full in-house technical department and can provide full design and consultancy support for both retrofit and new build/construction projects. Installation of renewable and energy efficient technologies is often driven by financial savings or to hit environmental targets and so it is important to have an accurate understanding of ...
based in FINLAND
Whether it is the renovation of business premises or the building of a production line in the process industry, electrical systems play an essential part in the performance of the building and the process. At AX Consulting we have experts for the requirements of building services engineering as well as process ...
based in USA
The Veterans Integrated Service Network Region 6 (VISN 6) selected Ameresco to perform energy efficiency upgrades to improve their infrastructure under the Department of Defense Energy Saving Performance Contract Program for Veterans Administration Medical ...
Distributed by Connexionbased in USA
A facility’s energy usage may be categorized under different established scenarios. The process of reducing its consumption, controlling and converting is unique to the needs of the client’s facility. Our portfolio of energy conservation measures and engineering services enables a truly customizable solution and delivers optimal return on ...
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