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Combined Heat And Power Services

66 services found
  • based in GERMANY

    Like bio energy plants, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units that use biomethane or other natural gases are a very welcome addition to our virtual power plant. Essentially, Next Kraftwerke sells the output of the CHP units in our virtual power plant on two markets. ...

  • based in DENMARK

    Combined heat and power (CHP) is an energy efficient use of fuel. Rather than rejecting energy as waste heat when electricity only is produced, this energy is exploited in combined heat and power ...

  • Manufactured by Heliex Power Ltd
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Has the time come to install a new boiler? Take the opportunity to install a cost effective, small scale CHP by purchasing a combined boiler and Heliex Power GenSet or ...

  • based in GERMANY

    A gas supply agreement between the Wastewater Board and the BS Energy regulates all financial and legal affairs. The waste heat from the CHP-unit is fed into the existing district heating network of the BS Energy and provides heat to the Physical and Technical Federal Agency (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt), the Federal Agricultural ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Already in 2007 the Federal Government adopted the Integrated Energy and Climate Programme. The measures to improve the CO2 balance sheet also contained the text of the Renewable Energy Act and the Combined Heat and Power Act. Here were from 1 January 2009 conditions for the operation of CHP plants, adapting the rates for the ...

  • Manufactured by Tedom Schnell GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Our sales team will advise you on how to best leverage the benefits of combined heat and power. We can also discuss your technical options for generating warm water, steam and even cold ...

  • Manufactured by Tedom Schnell GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    We will work with our design team to develop customized solutions for the optimal installation of your CHP unit. Having supplied and built more than 4,100 combined heat and power units, we know how to design modular CHP units that are energy-efficient and highly ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Customers use this information to optimally dispatch flexible energy assets throughout the short-term trading cycle and increase revenues on assets. Dexter has experience in dispatching large-scale batteries, renewable assets and combined heat-and-power units. ...

  • based in USA

    At CDM Smith, our approach to energy is efficient, economical and environmentally responsible. We’re applying urban systems modeling in Sydney, implementing combined heat and power in Europe and minimizing energy use by U.S. infrastructure—tapping renewable sources that will power our cities sustainably into the ...

  • Manufactured by Dordtech
    based in NETHERLANDS

    Design and development of tailor made combined heat and power (CHP) installations for a diversity of applications: Not only CHP’s for natural gas, but also engines run on biogas, gasification, fermentation and vapor ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    Description of the ORC technology for biomass Combined Heat and Power plants as well as further possibilities for process integration: The ORC technology is based on a long term development with the aim to efficiently use solar energy, geothermal energy as well as energy from biomass in decentralised units. ...

  • based in CANADA

    The use of biomass, such as forestry and agricultural residues, to efficiently produce heat and power by fueling combined heat and power (CHP) systems. Utilizing biomass for heat and power generation has several benefits, including greenhouse gas reductions through the ...

  • Renewable and alternative fuels can be used to power district energy central plants or cogeneration / combined heat and power plants that are dedicated to large energy-intensive end ...

  • based in IRELAND

    We take great pride in our track record for delivery of quality service in the latest power generation technologies and standards. Our expertise spans technologies such as: Simple Cycle Power Plant Combined Cycle Gas Turbines Combined Heat and Power Conventional Thermal ...

  • SRC helps develop and commercialize technologies for advanced energy systems such as: Combustion based heat and power production, Non-combustion based heat and power production, Wind energy, Micro-combined heat and power systems, Energy storage systems, Advanced ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    Fuel characterisation and fuel specific technology development Development of biomass combustion plants Small-scale combustion systems Medium and large-scale combustion systems Emission reduction Development of process control concepts for biomass combustion plants Development of new and innovative combined heat and power technologies Ash related ...

  • Several perceived barriers associated with the implementation of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) can be overcome utilizing a Public-Private Partnership Model (PPP). NSU mitigates the risks associated with implementing a CHP project by delivering the project using a Design-Build-Own-Operate (DBOO) approach and partnering as needed with key experts ...

  • Manufactured by GLOCK ecotech GmbH
    based in AUSTRIA

    The area of the company is about 13,000 sqm and has manufacturing halls of about 3,000 sqm. The company has about 56 employees and is specialized in the production of combined heat and power ...

  • based in TURKEY

    Included within this process is the facility to manage calorific value of product gases passed to the point of use. Point of use may include use in boilers and combined heat and power systems (CHP). The GEP Energy"s gasification is designed to accept a broad range of organic waste consistencies. Inorganic compounds are removed during gasification ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Clarke Energy adds value to the core power solution through engineering, installation and maintenance services. Our supply can range from the sale of a single engine, through to a combined heat and power plant, to a fully engineered power plant, or with the integration of other power generation ...

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