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Energy Management Services

377 services found
  • based in AUSTRIA

    Energy costs are a steadily increasing component of production costs. STENUM helps you optimize your energy management. It pays to optimize your energy ...

  • based in USA

    Trinity recognizes the unmistakable connection between energy efficiency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mitigation. Our climate change specialists assist industrial organizations in developing energy management strategies and implementing cost-saving measures to improve operational efficiency while lowering GHG emissions. ...

  • based in AUSTRALIA

    Hatlar is able to assess your energy consumption profile by undertaking an energy audit of your business and will work with you to identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption, assess the feasibility of implementing renewable energy options, and ensure compliance with energy regulations and ...

  • Manufactured by Beneo GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Our modern hectic lifestyle demands that we are constantly on the drive for optimum performance throughout long days. Carbohydrates provide valuable energy to the body to keep its vital cognitive and physical activities running. Most carbohydrates are readily available for breakdown and uptake; they deliver fast energy that is gone shortly after. Modern consumers ...

  • Energy efficiency is an advantage both for your business and the environment. Through systematic examination of your processes, you can identify areas with an untapped potential for energy ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Effective energy management is a reliable and proven way to reduced costs, but changes needs to be introduced in a structured manner to be fully effective. Aqua work with leading Associates recognised for their leadership in developing and implementing complex organisational energy management policies. ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The introduction of the Energy Act 2010 has led to a greater focus on the environmental impacts of business operations. Managing your energy usage effectively can be complex, but, when properly executed, can lead to improved operational efficiencies, a reduction in energy consumption and ultimately cost ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Energy can be a significant cost for an organisation. Managing energy usage effectively can be complex, but when properly executed can lead to improved operational efficiencies, reduction in energy consumption and ultimately cost ...

  • Manufactured by Pfister Energy
    based in USA

    What kind of energy are we using? Is it consistently available? Convenient? Efficient? And, if we’re generating energy, how are we monitoring it? Are we able to do more and, perhaps, save more? How do you know where to ...

  • Efficient energy use and renewable energy resources help to reduce greenhouse gases and ensure a more sustainable ...

  • Energy saving studies on premises and settlements (public buildings and municipal lighting), improvement of open areas’ microclimate, energy simulation of buildings and open areas using certified software, investment planning of energy saving projects for national funding ...

  • based in CANADA

    Yes, the ConDex Energy Recovery System dramatically reduces energy consumption. But knowing where that recovered energy is best applied, and how to apply it best, requires research, analysis and strategic ...

  • Manufactured by Elecnor
    based in SPAIN

    Elecnor embraces and develops measures aimed at encouraging efficient energy management as a differentiating factor. It therefore constantly strives to encourage abalancebetween economic returns and energy efficiency in the procurement of energy and products, as well as in thedesignof its installations. To achieve this, it works ...

  • based in USA

    A large company with numerous large manufacturing sites throughout the world was looking for outside assistance to help lead their team toward further energy reduction, and to achieving new corporate goals. Loureiro was hired to act as an off-site/ad-hoc corporate energy manager, so that greater momentum and progress could be achieved within a ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Energy is a scarce commodity. We are keen to make energy more sustainable, but at the same time want to reduce energy charges. Reducing costs calls for effective energy management. Our experts can advise and support organisations in achieving energy savings for buildings and installations, with a ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Smart Metering, Demand-Side Management, Energy Data Management, Energy Modelling, Energy Efficiency Solutions, Commercial & ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    As we move towards a net-zero world, ensuring that energy efficiency and robust energy management is embedded throughout the business is more important than ever. Achieve energy savings through robust data collection, specialist systems and detailed ...

  • Energy conservation and sustainability has been the cornerstone of ThermalTech's culture since our beginning. Gary Davies, our founding partner, helped form the University of Cincinnati Energy Group while working as a research and teaching assistant for the College of Engineering. ...

  • New: One day onsite ISO 50001 Gap Assessment and Preliminary Energy ...

  • based in USA

    A full service, all systems approach to maximizing the operational output of an organization through effective energy management design and implementation. A successful environmental management plan generates senior management buy-in and coordinates an effective team approach to cut energy use and costs for many ...

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