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Energy Recovery Services

43 services found
  • In order to meet the European goal of producing 20% of the region"s energy from renewable energy sources by 2020, Séché Environnement has pledged its full support and pursued this goal by recovering energy potential from waste. Tailoring waste handling tools allows the energy released during the degradation of ...

  • Recovering the thermal potential of wastes can be an efficient, environmentally responsible option for the hazardous waste needs you face, and when it comes to safe and efficient fuels-blending programs, Veolia Environmental Services (Veolia ES) has few peers. We pioneered many of the techniques that today have become the standard for our industry, and continue to develop new technological ...

  • Air to Air Energy Recovery Systems, Plate Heat Exchangers, Shell & Tube heat exchangers, Direct Heat Recovery, Air to Fluid Energy Recovery Systems, Economizers, Waste Heat Boilers, Organic Rankin Cycle & steam power generators, Engineering surveys for energy recovery ...

  • based in USA

    Our ability to custom design and build components that recover energy from existing equipment results in solutions that are easily installed and generally offer a payback in as little as one ...

  • Manufactured by Munters
    based in USA

    Do you happen to have one of the many older and still steadily running Munters dehumidifiers operating in your facility? Like Munters and most other environmentally concerned companies, you might also be focusing on reducing the energy consumption and carbon foot print? If YES, Munters can provide retrofit solutions to optimize the energy efficiency in these ...

  • based in BELGIUM

    Energy recovery refers to operations that aim to use the released energy obtained during the com-bustion of plastics waste. This energy can be used to produce heat and/or electricity for domestic or industrial use. This process should be applied to the plastic waste of bad quality which is not beneficial from an environmental and ...

  • based in GERMANY

    A regular inspection cares for an optimum operation of the plant. Potential problems are detected and necessary arrangements can be planned in good time. Safekeeping of optimum function/efficiency/plant availability. Cost savings. Preservation of the operational reliability of the ...

  • Manufactured by Dürr Systems, Inc.
    based in USA

    By analyzing current process energy usage, Dürr can offer solutions to reduce your energy ...

  • We give services with our specialized engineers on the subjects of process solutions, system projects, energy recovery applications, process heating and cooling applications, project design of auxiliary ...

  • based in CANADA

    Yes, the ConDex Energy Recovery System dramatically reduces energy consumption. But knowing where that recovered energy is best applied, and how to apply it best, requires research, analysis and strategic ...

  • based in NORWAY

    GemiUK is cooperating with more then 25 different Energy from Waste plants for energy recovery of RDF, SRF, waste wood, Bio fules from garden waste and hazardous waste. In our group of companies GemiUK handled more than 650 000 tonnes of waste fuels during 2013. This allows us offering competitive solutions for both transport and gate fee’s ...

  • Manufactured by Weiss ApS
    based in DENMARK

    Process optimization, Technical assessments, Service and Service agreements plus a hands-on with environmental standards make WEISS A the ideal choice for improving and maintaining biomass and Waste fired combustion and energy recovery ...

  • Manufactured by BIC Group
    based in BELGIUM

    BIC Group plant thermally treat non-recyclable waste streams and convert generated thermal energy into usable energy carriers. Hot air, hot pressurized water, steam, thermal fluid and electric power or any combination of these are possible. This way such a plant become a source of renewable energy. We have recently built plant where 2,5 tonnes ...

  • Magnus Global Tech Successfully Completed HRSG Modeling as well as analysis for 2 pressure vessel Heat Recovery Steam Generator Description, A heat recovery steam generator or HRSG is an energy recovery heat exchanger that recovers heat from a hot gas stream. It produces steam that can be used in a process or used to drive a ...

  • We at Magnus offer range of HRSG Design Engineering Services Our engineering team is capable of providing HRSG Design Engineering (End to End service) with respect to complete Plant development starting from Process Simulation, Development of Process Flow Diagram to Process & Instrumentation Diagram, Piping Layout & Design, 3D Plant Engineering, Stress Analysis, Detailing & Drafting and ...

  • Manufactured by NRGgroup GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    In addition to the energy production and transmission from fossil and renewable energy sources, we also work with the generation of energy from industrial residues and wastes, both in liquid, as well as in a gaseous state. Another important building block of our product portfolio is the use of high-temperature flue gases for ...

  • based in IRELAND

    Waste to Energy (WtE) technology is an energy recovery process that converts chemicals from waste residues into practical forms of energy, like electricity, heat, or steam. Existing Technologies include: Thermal (direct Incineration) Mechanical & Thermal (Pulverisation and Drying for Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) Thermo – Chemic ...

  • based in USA

    Air Pollution Control Engineering, AutoCAD, Best Management Practices, Chemical Engineering, Combustion Engineering, Corrosion, Energy Recovery, Gas Cleaning/Purification, Gasification, Green Energy, Greenhouse Gas Strategies, Materials of Construction, Process Chemistry, Sulfuric Acid Recycle/Reuse Strategies, Sulfuric Acid Regeneration, ...

  • based in USA

    Calor clients demand to understand the path to fundability, and how to improve the odds of moving a particular renewable energy or waste recovery system from speculative to fundable and insurable. They want to understand the options, the risks, and how to improve the potential return – they want financial ...

  • based in USA

    Best Management Practices, Chemical Engineering, Combustion Engineering, Corrosion, Energy Assessments and Audits, Energy Efficiency Improvements, Energy Management Programs, Energy Recovery, Gas Cleaning/Purification, Gasification, Green Energy, Greenhouse Gas Strategies, Materials of ...

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