Energy Recovery Services In Asia & Middle East

12 services found
  • based in USA

    Our ability to custom design and build components that recover energy from existing equipment results in solutions that are easily installed and generally offer a payback in as little as one ...

  • Manufactured by Munters
    based in USA

    Do you happen to have one of the many older and still steadily running Munters dehumidifiers operating in your facility? Like Munters and most other environmentally concerned companies, you might also be focusing on reducing the energy consumption and carbon foot print? If YES, Munters can provide retrofit solutions to optimize the energy efficiency in these ...

  • Manufactured by Dürr Systems, Inc.
    based in USA

    By analyzing current process energy usage, Dürr can offer solutions to reduce your energy ...

  • Manufactured by BIC Group
    based in BELGIUM

    BIC Group plant thermally treat non-recyclable waste streams and convert generated thermal energy into usable energy carriers. Hot air, hot pressurized water, steam, thermal fluid and electric power or any combination of these are possible. This way such a plant become a source of renewable energy. We have recently built plant where 2,5 tonnes ...

  • Magnus Global Tech Successfully Completed HRSG Modeling as well as analysis for 2 pressure vessel Heat Recovery Steam Generator Description, A heat recovery steam generator or HRSG is an energy recovery heat exchanger that recovers heat from a hot gas stream. It produces steam that can be used in a process or used to drive a ...

  • We at Magnus offer range of HRSG Design Engineering Services Our engineering team is capable of providing HRSG Design Engineering (End to End service) with respect to complete Plant development starting from Process Simulation, Development of Process Flow Diagram to Process & Instrumentation Diagram, Piping Layout & Design, 3D Plant Engineering, Stress Analysis, Detailing & Drafting and ...

  • Kyoto protocol has brought new opportunities to countries and companies of non-Annex A to receive finance and advanced technology for emission reduction In Vietnam, it has helped realization of small hydro power projects, biogas capture and utilization, waste heat recovery, energy ...

  • Manufactured by Munters
    based in USA

    Munters helps you upgrade your equipment by enhancing them with the most recent technological advances and enhancements. No matter the application, upgrades to Munters equipment boost productivity, increase energy savings, reduce downtime and slash operating and maintenance ...

  • As Black & Veatch addresses the interdependency of water and energy, clients benefit from reduced water usage for energy output, and lowered energy consumption at water and wastewater plants. Large amounts of electricity are required to acquire and process water, and large amounts of water are needed to produce electricity. ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    The Compact Hydro Division is the world leader in products and services for small and medium-sized hydroelectric power plants and offers also competitive solutions for mini hydro power plants. Small-scale hydro power plants range up to an unit output of 15 MW for Axial and Kaplan turbines and an output of 30 MW for Francis and Pelton turbines while the mini compact hydro installations include ...

  • based in USA

    EN 15440 was developed for biomass content determination of solid recovered fuels. This European standard is only applicable to solid fuels, not their combustion emissions. Beta Analytic provides EN 15440 testing throughout Europe. EN 15440:2011 is a published standard that outlines three methods for the determination of the biomass content of solid recovered ...

  • based in USA

    Many industries burn refuse-derived fuels and solid recovered fuels as energy source. Biomass fraction of RDF or SRF is determined using CEN 15747 or prCEN/TS 15440 for companies in Europe. Beta Analytic is committed to provide CEN 15747 and prCEN/TS 15440 ...

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