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Flaring Services

54 services found
  • based in INDIA

    The flaring test serves to establish the forming behavior of tubes or pipes which is expanded to a specific degree. This flaring test is carried out in conformity with the code requirements. The specimen to be tested is expanded in a press to the degree specified. ...

  • based in USA

    CCI offers the most advanced portable flare stacks in the industry. Our units are equipped with air assist and multiple tip configurations in order to operate at maximum efficiency with a wide range of hydrocarbons. All units are completely self-contained erected hydraulically, and equipped with secondary containment. ...

  • based in CANADA

    The long-term Oil & Gas industry objective is to eliminate routine flaring and venting and minimize non-routine flaring (ERCB, Directive 060). Although best management practices can reduce the frequency of non-routine flaring, emergency flaring is still a required practice to prevent equipment overpressure, catastrophic ...

  • Manufactured by TCD Italia srl.
    based in ITALY

    TCD Italia offers replacement flare tips of any size. If you have an old flare package that is in need of a new ignition system and/or flare tip, we will be able to find the solution and help with any of your retrofit needs. TCD Italia offers a package to swap the existing ignition system with our proven and reliable system using the existing ...

  • based in USA

    Rental and sales of enclosed combustors. Ammonia Vaporizers, Nitrogen Vaporizers & CO2 Vaporizers. Air assisted and gas assisted mobile flares. Automatic pilot systems and multiple layers of safety. Compliant with all state, federal, and Coast Guard regulations. Tested efficiency ...

  • based in USA

    Envent has safely degassed more pipelines than any other company in the world – and we continue to build on our record of accomplishment. We use thermal oxidizers, thermal combustion units, activated carbon scrubbers and liquid scrubbers to destruct vapors and associated odors from pipelines of every description – from long-haul transmission lines, to refinery pipelines carrying ...

  • Manufactured by TCD Italia srl.
    based in ITALY

    Flaring is the combustion process used for the safe disposal of large quantities of waste gases and vapours in the petroleum and natural gas industries. Due to the fact that toxic and greenhouse gases are the main products of flaring which has devastating impact on environment and also ruin distinction of the operators of the plant specifically when accompany ...

  • based in USA

    COMM is the global leader in GHG reduction, flare gas recovery and conversion technologies. Here are the seven pieces of the puzzle that we have in our toolbox. These are the reasons that COMM should be your GHG Service partner. As an alternative to purchasing equipment, COMM can provide the capital and resources to get the job done ...

  • based in USA

    Atmosfir have developed a capability through its unique spectral algorithm to provide flare combustion efficiency studies using state-of-the-art fast scanning passive FTIR (PFTIR) ...

  • based in USA

    CCI uses our expertise to design and fabricate a custom flare system for customer’s facilities. We approach each project individually and do not offer a one size fits all product. CCI has designed and built flare systems for: Pipeline pump stations, Well sites, Fractionation plants ...

  • Remote Telemetry Systems. Data Graph – Download and data ...

  • based in USA

    PURGIT specializes in large, atmospheric NH3 and LPG tank purging (turn-around). PURGIT maintains a fleet of equipment – hoses, heaters, pumps, and combustors – designed specifically for taking refrigerated ammonia and propane storage tanks out-of-service. Tanks then can be cleaned/inspected and re-commissioning according to plant procedures. PURGIT has completed over 100 anhydrous ...

  • Stack Emissions and Site Selection; Our services include assisting engineering firms and industrial clients by conducting Air Quality Dispersion Modelling to ensure the stack operation meets the applicable regulatory requirements and to minimize the impact on the environment and ...

  • based in BELGIUM

    As an alternative to installing expensive flare-gas recovery units, an effective vent and flare loss monitoring program can deliver substantial improvements. Visit our website for more details: ...

  • based in USA

    This service consists of modeling an existing or new emergency relief system including pressure relief valves and knock-out drums on the TRI*HEADER computer program. The piping system will then be evaluated by simulating a variety of blow down or relieving cases. Flow problems will be identify and a variety of possible flow solutions can be tested in the computer model to identify the optimum ...

  • based in INDIA

    We take the single point responsibility – from concept to commissioning, resulting in significant cost savings and better execution control over the project. We have commissioned several Flares on turnkey basis all over India, with many Flares having overall Flare height in excess of 100 ...

  • based in USA

    PURGIT operators have years of experience in railcar purging and flaring. If you have one railcar or one hundred PURGIT can help you with on-site nitrogen purging and flare ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Once your installation is in operation, we can offer you complete service and maintenance on your equipment. Biogas flares function as a emergency flare most of the time. Therefore the reliability of the flare is of great importance. To keep the reliability as high as possible, good maintenance of the installation by qualified people is ...

  • Manufactured by Puti Energy
    based in INDIA

    We undertake repair and refurbishment of Burnt / Damaged Flare Tip of any make . During repair we add latest features of Flare Technology if possible in the refurbished item .Flame Front Ignition Systems often found non- functional if not used for long ; we repair and refurbish such FFG with our easily available spares. ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    We provide specialist field balancing to ensure your gas control and flaring systems perform efficiently and effectively. Flaring systems require careful field balancing to ensure that they run efficiently with the correct percentage of methane, at the correct pressure. ...

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