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Industrial Incinerator Services

8 services found
  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Quality control and customer service is paramount to Addfield. All of our machines go through a comprehensive testing and quality control in house ensuring you receive an industry leading incinerator. Our after sales support is paramount to our UK and International customers. Whether you need on site support or technical advise from one of our ...

  • based in INDIA

    Cement / DRI / Lime / Carbon / Mineral Processing Rotary Kilns. Ferro Alloy Furnaces, Hood, Gunning. Cement Kiln Hood, Cooler Roof, Ducts. Heaters for petro Chemical Industries. Incinerators / Activated Carbon Kilns / Thermal Oxidisers. Hi Productive Low Cement Gunning / Plastic Gunning for. Cement & Power Plants. ...

  • based in CANADA

    We assemble and installs equipment for Industrial Waste Incineration and Pyrolysation, specifically, static and rotary kilns and incineration plants to eliminate different nature of waste (solid waste, liquid waste and sludge) in one same kiln from municipal and industrial origin. ...

  • Manufactured by Europem N.V
    based in BELGIUM

    Proprietary simulation programs; Flares & combustors, Incinerators & Industrial Furnaces, Energy from Waste systems incl. Flue Gas ...

  • based in USA

    This technical expertise is derived from decades of designing and building a wide range of combustion equipment, including: RTO's (Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers); hazardous, medical waste and industrial plant incinerators / oxidizers; calcining kilns; high performance / temperature / pressure heat transfer systems (air, gas, water, steam, chemicals); refinery ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    Regular maintenance and service are the key to reliable, trouble-free operation of your system. CS original spare parts of the highest quality ensure functionality, offer optimum performance and extend the lifetime of your overall system. With a worldwide on-site service, CS can make a valuable contribution to increasing the availability of your system and optimising operating costs. Our ...

  • Distributed by VIG Sp. z o.o.
    based in POLAND

    In addition to waste recovery 'VIG' Sp. z o.o. also manufactures alternative fuel. According to the Decree of the Minister of Economy dated 29 January 2002 on non-hazardous waste, installations and equipment where such waste is allowed to be thermally processed, a method was developed to produce high-energy alternative fuel The fuel, when mixed with fine coal, can be burnt separately or as an ...

  • Manufactured by Igniss Energy
    based in POLAND

    A waste incinerator site is not only the technical installation, also workers need other facilities necessary to store safely and handle safely the waste. Mainly we have the next ...

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