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Landfill Gas Utilization Services

4 services found
  • based in GERMANY

    TDL Energie operates CHPs for landfill gas and biogas on several landfills throughout Germany. Our plants can be easily and quickly set up at the respective site due to their containerized construction. Since the quantity and the quality of landfill gas are decreasing we have further optimized our ...

  • based in CANADA

    Once the long-term potential of the resource has been determined, recovery equipment installed and the appropriate management system set up, resource utilization is the final step for ensuring the financial success of all ...

  • based in USA

    ARM provides engineering and consulting services primarily to commercial, industrial, and municipal clients that are interested in developing energy resources to power their own facilities or for sale. ARM is contributing to the goal of achieving energy independence by helping its clients evaluate and develop their renewable energy resources in the following ...

  • based in MALAYSIA

    We have the expertise and together with our international partners, we have decades of experience in landfill design, permitting, construction monitoring, operations support, environmental monitoring, facility closure and post-closure engineering ...

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