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Natural Gas Industry Services

15 services found
  • Manufactured by TCD Italia srl.
    based in ITALY

    Flaring is the combustion process used for the safe disposal of large quantities of waste gases and vapours in the petroleum and natural gas industries. Due to the fact that toxic and greenhouse gases are the main products of flaring which has devastating impact on environment and also ruin distinction of the operators of the plant specifically ...

  • based in GERMANY

    The area of Compressor Technology offers single and complete systems solutions for all areas of the natural gas industry, chemicals, petrochemicals and energy engineering. As an authorized Ariel sales partner and package representative, we plan, deliver and install customized compressor facilities. The spectrum starts with mobile skids for use in ...

  • based in USA

    We perform both control work and automation from the onset of a project to the final installation and programming. We are intimately involved in every step of the process, performing the construction of industrial systems, while also providing long-term maintenance over the lifetime of the product. Whether the work is new or integrating additional components into your current ...

  • Manufactured by Enerflex Systems Ltd
    based in CANADA

    We have worked to ensure that our control systems have the ability to meet global standards such as ATEX, IEC, CEC, and NEC in both hazardous and non-hazardous environments. Enerflex has experienced and trained engineers to design and program automation systems for natural gas compressor and process ...

  • based in AUSTRALIA

    PLEXOS is the world's most powerful data analytics suite designed for energy traders, investment bankers, commercial lenders, private equity investors and portfolio managers in power, natural gas and renewables markets. Risk management, Improve returns, Faster decision making, Market insights, Asset valuation and Price ...

  • based in SPAIN

    Cogeneration allows both electricity and useful heat to be generated at the same time, with the latter used in industrial processes. It is an energy-efficient solution that Abengoa ...

  • Despite the large energy benefits of developing natural gas reserves, there are government agencies and citizen groups that strongly oppose the drilling process hydraulic fracturing or ...

  • Manufactured by Onboard Dynamics
    based in USA

    Onboard Dynamics provides cross compression and recompression services for removal and transfer of natural gas from natural gas pipelines using our GoVAC® ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Regardless of whether you need individual services or one-stop solutions: The Fangmann Group provides all services regarding plant and pipeline construction - customized to your specific requirements. For a successful realization of your projects our qualified team of technical and commercial employees supplemented by specialized and reliable co-operation partners are at your ...

  • Marcellus Shale Safety Natural Gas Drilling Safety; Amerisafe Safety Professionals offer Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling safety consulting, PEC training, health and safety training and industrial hygiene services for Marcellus Shale ...

  • Manufactured by Piccini Paolo Spa
    based in ITALY

    Biomethane contains at least 95% Methane and derives from the biogas produced by the anaerobic digestion of biomass in a carefully controlled environment or in landfills following the decomposition of waste or from gas from the gasification of biomass. The use of these two fuels is crucial for the transition to a more sustainable ...

  • At a time when worldwide economies will be competing for secure and scarce energy resources, increased efficiencies and development of diversified and alternative supplies will become even more important. As a leader in research and development, we believe that science and technology will continue to play a significant role in the discovery of more reliable, sustainable, secure and cost-effective ...

  • Natural Gas is a green energy resource that can help our nation become less dependent on foreign oil supplies, and help the world reduce carbon emissions. In the United States, there is an increasing trend in power generation and utility companies switching to natural gas, while developing weather dependent renewable energy ...

  • based in CANADA

    SubCom®’s robust heat transfer capabilities have taken on the toughest operating conditions and set a new standard for direct contact liquid heating solutions. Low emissions burners, reduced maintenance costs, durable construction and short payback periods that lead to unparalleled efficiency that can approach 100% make SubCom® an excellent choice for direct contact process liquid ...

  • based in USA

    Whether you want to install a private fueling station for your own fleet or partner with Trillium to provide a public access CNG fueling station, we have a turnkey model for installing CNG fueling infrastructure that covers everything from concept through completion. Our core services include designing, installing, and operating a fuel system that is guaranteed to meet your needs. Trillium's ...

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