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Power Plant Project Services

34 services found
  • based in BELGIUM

    Based on your priorities, current situation and objectives, we build a strong business case with you. We provide support to present and defend your project to your key audiences (governments, investors, decision makers). Technical Integration: Close to our clients and prompt to adress their needs, we have the expertise to integrate our solutions on your premises. ...

  • based in GERMANY

    The necessary need for replacement of older power plants as well as the increase in power consumption in Europe combined with new climate protection requirements led to the planning to build new power plants by many ...

  • based in SWEDEN

    During implementation phase of a power plant project we offer full selection of Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management services (EPCM Services). The effective project start up is one of the key topics in our project services. This will be taken care of by setting up the comprehensive administrative ...

  • Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction manufactured and installed Samcheonpo Thermal Power Plant system which was the largest capacity drum type bituminous coal power plant in Korea. As the recognition of the company’s competitiveness in power generation, it received a large power ...

  • Manufactured by LAWI Engineering GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Keeping Power Plant Projects on the right track. Project management is the organization of human, material and financial resources with the aim to reach the project goals. The primary goal of power plant projects is the cost-effective and reliable supply of ...

  • Manufactured by INETEC
    based in CROATIA

    We provide consulting activities for all types of nuclear power plants through several stages of the nuclear power plant project: pre-project, project decision-making, plant construction and plant ...

  • based in USA

    1000's of power plant projects in the planning or construction phase are tracked on a continuous basis. The proposed fuel type, size, start up date, and project description are included. Awards to contractors are reported progressively from the A/E to the system suppliers and then component suppliers. 20% price discount available ...

  • Manufactured by LAWI Engineering GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    High Grade Components for High Performance Power Plants. Whether Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) or Shopping around Concept, LAWI Engineering delivers high grade power plant components to assure highest liability and maximum performance for your power plant ...

  • Manufactured by LAWI Engineering GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Preventative and periodic maintenance of your power plant as well as the use of genuine spare parts guarantee the long-term survival of capability and power plant availability. LAWI Engineering provides first-rate customer service for your power plants projects to ensure your ...

  • based in CHINA

    Whether the cooking oil making plant project, biodiesel production plant project or biogas power plant project, we offer the customization service, from designing, manufacturing to installation all in accordance with each client special requirements and local market quality ...

  • based in USA

    New nuclear power plant projects require long-range planning, appropriate budgets and adequate time for project execution. As a first step, Westinghouse can provide objective information about the future development of nuclear energy in your part of the world and the various technology options for new nuclear ...

  • based in USA

    Your nuclear power plant project will benefit from the experience and knowledge Westinghouse has gained from construction of these units and our well established and advanced construction delivery system will promote delivery and construction ...

  • based in SWEDEN

    Construction design and supervision, ensuring high quality construction, the use of up-to-date electro-mechanical equipment and components, and innovative design are activities covered by our specialized staff of engineers. Within the field of Hydro Power Plants, we provide the following services: Technical and economical evaluation of existing ...

  • Technical Due diligence. Technical evaluation of plant engineering and construction companies. Owners and Lenders Engineering Services. Feasibility studies, investment studies. Project management, Consulting Services and Engineering in the field of power generation and industrial plants. ...

  • based in FRANCE

    Zelya Energy has valued and helped develop many power stations across Europe. Our recent projects in this area, in 2008, concern more than 1 GW of renewable generation units and up to 2 GW of conventional thermal power plants. We have operational and detailed knowledge of this market. ...

  • based in FRANCE

    We apply the most suitable valuation methods for the company's business, whether it is already 'up and running' or looking for development capital. We have developed solid and comprehensive models to evaluate gas and electricity networks, power plant projects with regulated tariffs or market prices and many other kind of assets and firms of the ...

  • Manufactured by Amerisolar
    based in USA

    Step 1. Project Design Request: Amerisolar team will provide a brief technical design for the customers’ roof-top or independent big solar power plant, based on the project information provided by the customers. Gucci Replica Handbags Discount Christian Louboutin Shoes Discount Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags. ...

  • We bring in-depth expertise to deliver power projects using engineer-procure-construct (EPC), design-build, design-assist and traditional bid-build models. Through our subsidiary, Kiewit Engineering & Design Co., we provide a complete array of design and engineering services for major power plant projects ...

  • based in USA

    Selecting the most appropriate site is a critical step in the development of a power plant project. A good site can significantly decrease costs, increase public acceptance, and facilitate regulatory approvals. Many factors affect the suitability of a site, and the evaluation of these factors demands the integration of many professional ...

  • based in USA

    McBurney's engineers are dedicated to providing engineering and consulting services to the steam and power industry. Over the years, the engineering effort has expanded to cover a wide range of special projects, with steam and power engineering remaining the firm's primary focus. McBurney has gained experience on a wide range of steam and ...

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