Refuse-Derived Fuel Services In USA

4 services found
  • based in USA

    Many industries burn refuse-derived fuels and solid recovered fuels as energy source. Biomass fraction of RDF or SRF is determined using CEN 15747 or prCEN/TS 15440 for companies in Europe. Beta Analytic is committed to provide CEN 15747 and prCEN/TS 15440 ...

  • Currently involved in a two year emission measurement contract (2003-2004) for two mass burn facilities providing annual compliance testing including mercury, multiple metals, PCDD/PCDF, hydrochloric acid (inlet/outlet), total suspended particulate matter, particulate matter less than 10 microns (PM10), CEMS RATA, and quarterly cylinder gas audits (CGA). Recently conducted mercury emissions tests ...

  • based in USA

    EN 15440 was developed for biomass content determination of solid recovered fuels. This European standard is only applicable to solid fuels, not their combustion emissions. Beta Analytic provides EN 15440 testing throughout Europe. EN 15440:2011 is a published standard that outlines three methods for the determination of the biomass content of solid recovered ...

  • based in USA

    Their high heating value makes scrap tires a good alternative fuel for industries with energy-intensive processes, e.g. cement plants, electricity-generating facilities, and pulp and paper mills. Tires, when burned, produce the same amount of energy as oil, 25-50% more energy than coal, and 100-200% more energy than wood, according to the U.S. ...

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