Energy Services In Africa
PremiumManufactured by Inciner8 Limitedbased in UNITED KINGDOM
INCINER8 have many years experience in the design and supply of waste incinerators. Due to the broad nature of end users we have seen almost all sizes and scales of operation and types of waste that need incinerating. Whether you need the incinerator purely to burn waste or it is just a part of a larger process (such as the combustor for a waste to energy solution) or for cleaning paint or ...
PremiumManufactured by Hermann Sewerin GmbHbased in GERMANY
You can trust our more than 80 years of experience in testing gas pipeline ...
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by NNPC Limitedbased in NIGERIA
To ensure maximum economic performance and energy supply stability for domestic market through customer focused and sustainable business operations. Trading, Shipping and Logistics, Retailing, Refining and ...
With development of global economy, more and more cars are applied in daily life; consequently, quantities of waste & used rubber tire increase dramatically each year. Pollution caused by waste & used rubber tire had become a severe subject in global environmental protection. Recycling of used and waste & used rubber tire had been valued by governments of all countries. Thus, ...
Manufactured by dVentus Technologiesbased in ETHIOPIA
dVentus goes beyond delivering products and components. Our team of experts help utilities make a smooth transition to intelligent operating systems without interrupting the existing ...
based in EGYPT
Industrial and Commercial Audits. Compliance and Liability Audits. Site Contamination ...
Manufactured by Metalogalva - Irmaos Silvas, SAbased in PORTUGAL
Metalogalva develops its activity in the design and manufacture of metal structures, with a Technical Department highly qualified with several engineers with the ability to provide comprehensive and innovative engineering solutions, namely in the metalworking building segments as well as performing test prototypes, at the level of assembly and / or structural strength. The products developed have ...
Distributed by ProServe Egyptbased in EGYPT
Diesel Gen Sets: Proserve has a large fleet of diesel generators for rental with capacities varies from 50 to 1000 KVA in very good condition. Most of the generators are brand new and most of them are caterpillar ...
Manufactured by David Brown Santasalo Gears Oybased in FINLAND
Using our trained service experts, David Brown Santasalo ensures your new, upgraded, or repaired equipment is professionally installed to the highest standards. ...
Highly advanced technologies developed by Soil Solutions will from initial construction through to completed projects provide cost effective high performance long-term solutions for dust abatement, soil stabilization, soil and ground erosion and racking prevention specifically for Solar Energy Projects. Soil Solutions with its proven ability to provide cost-effective tailor made solutions that ...
Manufactured by Suzlon Energy Limitedbased in INDIA
Since its inception, Suzlon has a clear focus on providing sustainable Operations and Maintenance Service (OMS) for the entire life cycle of each of its Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs). The guiding principle for this approach was to ensure the best Return on investment (ROI) for investors and not be limited to designing the best turbine or erecting the same on the best site. Suzlon is the ...
Manufactured by Destinus Energybased in NETHERLANDS
We help our customers to transform their products and processes towards zero-carbon emissions by providing services and consultancy in combustion and energy ...
Manufactured by Forney Corporationbased in USA
Forney began operations as a supplier of burner and safety monitoring equipment to electric utilities in 1927. We have expanded our services to cover all industrial and institutional applications over the years. Our service technicians provide new equipment, repairs, upgrades, retrofits and evaluations for burners, igniters, flame detectors / scanners, duct burners and associated ...
Manufactured by Elecnorbased in SPAIN
Networks and infrastructure is a traditional business area for Elecnor, and one in which it has in place the skills required in order to manage any project from start to finish. As an end-to-end project developer, the Elecnor Group provides feasibility, basic engineering and detailed studies, construction, supply, installation and assembly, start-up and operation and maintenance services. ...
Integrated resource planning seeks to establish the most energy efficiency balance between different types of generation and the correct balance of supply and demand, establishing tradeoffs between (for example) the implementation of energy efficiency measures and the provision of new power plant. Today although the commercial context has largely changed from the days of centrally planned ...
Today, the pressures of environmental concerns, the need for green energy, energy security, and the growth of renewable energy and the need to make assets work harder and longer all present significant technical challenges, both for new investors, and for the owners of more established electrical systems, as they seek to adapt their infrastructure and their business model to more innovative ...
Renewable energy solutions can reduce greenhouse gases, avoid long term energy price increases, and provide sustainable and secure sources of energy. While the renewable energy fuel is often free, the benefits of renewable energy can only be realised though significant upfront investment. Hence renewable energy policy is focused on creating bankable projects that can repay this investment. Key to ...
Manufactured by Clarke Energybased in UNITED KINGDOM
With a drive towards greater uptake of renewable power, Clarke Energy is pleased to provide a new offering to our customers. Clarke Energy is able to take on a greater scope of project supply and incorporate different power generation technologies in our offering. These hybrid solutions can consist of engines, wind, solar and storage technologies. These solutions can form a microgrid being either ...
Manufactured by Clarke Energybased in UNITED KINGDOM
Energy can be stored in several ways. This can include, for example, storage of electricity in batteries or ultracapacitors. Alternatively, energy can be converted into a gas such as biogas, biomethane or hydrogen and stored as a fuel rather than as electricity. These gaseous fuels. Sometimes known as “e-fuels” can be utilised in high-efficiency decentralised reciprocating gas engine ...
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