Energy Services In Chile
For cleaning and desulphurization of the biogas produced is used in fermentation or wastewater treatment plants from a biological ontzwavelingsmethode . Colsen example has developed a system called BIDOX® . The principle of a BIDOX® is based on the biological oxidation of H2S by sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Through the use of this system, the H 2 S content reduced to a level in accordance ...
Manufactured by FrostBossĀ® (New Zealand Frost Fans Ltd)based in NEW ZEALAND
Upgrade your current frost fan to a better FrostBossĀ® blade & more. Whether your aim is to save fuel, become noise compliant, or improve your coverage area, we have an upgrade package for all major brands of frost fans. We can upgrade your existing frost fan with our Frostboss C49 or C59 frost fan system: The most efficient frost fan on the market ...
Manufactured by SumSolbased in SPAIN
The main activity is the distribution of SumSol equipment and products for solar energy. En nuestro catálogo encontrará todos los elementos necesarios para ejecutar una instalación de cualquier aplicación de energía solar fotovoltaica. Disponemos de una avanzada logística que nos permite el despacho de nuestros productos, anywhere in the country. We have ...
Manufactured by Canyon Hydrobased in USA
Canyon Hydro has the expertise and machinery to assess, dismantle, repair, rebuild (or replace), and reassemble your existing hydropower components. Canyon Hydro occupies a unique position as a U.S. manufacturer with in-house design and machining capabilities along with full turbine refurbish field service crews. This potent combination can expedite the work while reducing your risk. From ...
Manufactured by Elecnorbased in SPAIN
Networks and infrastructure is a traditional business area for Elecnor, and one in which it has in place the skills required in order to manage any project from start to finish. As an end-to-end project developer, the Elecnor Group provides feasibility, basic engineering and detailed studies, construction, supply, installation and assembly, start-up and operation and maintenance services. ...
Our in-house market analysis team provides in-depth analysis and insight to key renewable energy markets and issues, offering support for effective business development and corporate strategy to a wide range of public & private sector organisations. As we are independent and technology neutral, our clients can rely on us to provide unbiased, honest ...
Manufactured by Elecnorbased in SPAIN
Elecnor embraces and develops measures aimed at encouraging efficient energy management as a differentiating factor. It therefore constantly strives to encourage abalancebetween economic returns and energy efficiency in the procurement of energy and products, as well as in thedesignof its installations. To achieve this, it works tirelessly to instill the importance ofefficientandresponsibleenergy ...
Manufactured by The EFACEC Groupbased in PORTUGAL
Efacec offers turnkey solutions in the fields of Production,Transport, Energy Distribution, Industry, the Service Sector and the Environment, as well as an integrated offer of Maintenance and Technical Assistance solutions. ...
based in USA
Energy management and development is a challenge that touches every industry and sector. At CDM Smith, our approach to energy is efficient, economical and environmentally responsible. We’re applying urban systems modeling in Sydney, implementing combined heat and power in Europe and minimizing energy use by U.S. infrastructure—tapping renewable sources that will power our cities ...
Manufactured by Optimum Trackerbased in FRANCE
Our in-house engineers offer customized design and engineering services, taking into account site specifics to optimize your project. ...
Manufactured by Optimum Trackerbased in FRANCE
The strict selection of suppliers and raw materials, allows Optimum Tracker to guarantee the superior quality of its products and the creation of local ...
based in USA
Itasca’s unconventional oil and gas services focus on hydraulic fracturing simulation, including: Optimize Stimulation Design, height growth, injection rate and volume, fluid type, additives, and diverters, proppant ...
based in USA
In addition to hydroelectric dams, Itasca has worked on hydroelectric power plants including a pumped storage plant in Israel (Gavet) and hydropower stations in China (Baihetan, JinPing), India, and Colombia (Guavio and Sogamoso). Engineering analyses include site characterization, review of in-situ stress measurements, ground support evaluation and recommendation, excavation stability of ...
based in USA
As interest in wind power continues to grow, so too has the scale and complexity of wind turbines and their towers, making soil-structure interaction, structural dynamics, and frequency response increasingly important. Numerical simulation is well-suited to capture the behavior of existing and novel designs for these large structures, in a variety of ground conditions – including offshore, ...
based in GERMANY
wpd takes on the project management for the complete wind farm and coordinates the construction work with all those involved. For example with the turbine suppliers, the heavy load forwarding companies, all the relevant authorities, the land-owners and managers of the land. Our experienced construction engineers and electrical engineers are on site and take care of the design and planning of ...
Manufactured by HIABbased in FINLAND
Hiab’s services go hand-in-hand with our class-leading load-handling equipment. As a business, securing uptime and protecting the value of your equipment over the lifetime are critical for you. Hiab is constantly enhancing its service network and services offering - from installation, to training, inspection, original parts e-commerce, to Hiab ProCare™ full repair & maintenance ...
Manufactured by TECAMbased in SPAIN
Online Continuous Monitoring ...
based in AUSTRALIA
PLEXOS is the world's most powerful data analytics suite designed for energy traders, investment bankers, commercial lenders, private equity investors and portfolio managers in power, natural gas and renewables markets. Risk management, Improve returns, Faster decision making, Market insights, Asset valuation and Price ...
Manufactured by Canyon Hydrobased in USA
Even the best turbine systems experience performance degradation over time. Efficiency drops as waterborne silt wears away runner and nozzle surfaces, as bearings and seals age, and when changes are made to the penstock or other components. Canyon Hydro has the experience necessary for a complete inspection of your current turbine system. We begin with close examination of the runner and nozzle ...
by Powel ASbased in NORWAY
You want to place your energy resources in the market with the best pay-off. This is a challenge when comparing weekly markets to daily markets. The Week Ahead Operations package is all about knowing how much capacity you have available for the reserve markets. With this package you are able to run ensemble prognosis to forecast the inflow sample space. Furthermore, you have the possibility to ...
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