Energy Services In Estonia

21 services found
  • based in FINLAND

    In today’s turbulent times, business leaders and governments are being stretched: how do you achieve more with less? How do you close the execution gap? Whether you’re seeking a fresh perspective on the potential of your manufacturing operations, or you’re looking to increase access to performance information then Pöyry is the ideal Operational Excellence ...

  • based in FINLAND

    Climate change puts pressure on managing power in a way that is sustainable for generations to come. One option is to invest in small hydropower and to capitalise on river resources in a decentralised manner. The contribution of small hydropower to worldwide electrical capacity is estimated to be on a similar scale as other renewable energy ...

  • based in ESTONIA

    Product ultimate quality is achieved by continuous innovative technologies incorporation, existing production capacity expansion and via high testing ...

  • based in FINLAND

    Fast-paced 21st century change is challenging business leaders and governments to rethink: how do you achieve competitive advantage in today’s complex bioeconomy? Investing in the right bio-based technology can be a make or break decision. Whether you’re formulating a bioenergy strategy, considering liquid biofuels, diversifying into fibre based textiles, developing bio-based ...

  • Manufactured by Naps Solar Systems Oy
    based in FINLAND

    As the most experienced player in the field in Finland and one of the world's oldest photovoltaic operators, we offer our expertise as consulting and project development services to domestic and international real estate developers, real estate investors, construction consultants and construction contractors and other photovoltaic system builders in both the public and private ...

  • based in ESTONIA

    TET Estel offers its own obsolete equipment restoration along with general electrical equipment repair services. Our experts will help to estimate equipment repair cost-effectiveness in comparison to replacing it with the new one. We always find the best solution for your problem, combined of desired results and optimal ...

  • Manufactured by Naps Solar Systems Oy
    based in FINLAND

    The products of Schletter GmbH have been selected as the mechanical supplier of our solutions. Schletter is a leading manufacturer of innovative solar photovoltaic and light metal products, which develops and manufactures high-quality solar module mechanics systems from aluminum and steel. The company has been developing light metal products for nearly 50 years since 1968. In addition to high ...

  • Manufactured by Naps Solar Systems Oy
    based in FINLAND

    Photovoltaics is almost the only practical way for a small property owner to generate clean electricity himself carelessly, efficiently and ...

  • based in ESTONIA

    Solutions for power plants. SRF and RDF plants, biomass receiving and… CHP plants with the capacity of 1-60 ...

  • based in FINLAND

    The management of climate change in a sustainable manner is a major global challenge. Renewable energy is one of the solutions. Pöyry has proven experience that comes from hands-on involvement in more than 200 power projects that deal with bioenergy - biomass, biofuels and biogas - along with waste-to-energy, wind power, solar power and geothermal ...

  • Manufactured by Makron
    based in FINLAND

    With efficient automation you can control, operate and monitor your machines and processes seamlessly, and you can improve your cost and production efficiency, too. Our automation enables heavy production work to be performed by robots and machines, for a safer and more efficient working environment. Makron automation also improves accountability, production reporting, and preventive maintenance. ...

  • Manufactured by Grundfos
    based in DENMARK

    Get a little extra guidance to achieve big savings:Optimisation & Consultancyis one of the surest ways for you to reduce the energy consumption of your business, because inefficient pumps waste an enormous amount of energy and money. That’s why it makes sound business sense to give your pumpsa little extracheck from time to time. ...

  • Manufactured by Grundfos
    based in DENMARK

    Profit from a little extra expertise: Our teams of highly skilledRepair & Maintenanceservice technicians can resolve any pump problem you may have. With unbeatable professional industry and application know-how, we ensure your system stays up and running, so you geta little extraperformance out of every pump. ...

  • Manufactured by Seko Industries Srl
    based in ITALY

    Our experience in agriculture and in particular in the field of renewable energy, our cutting-edge solutions and knowledge of the rules and regulations are underlying factors in the professional skills of our plant designers who are able to offer biogas plants developed on the basis of the latest biological research, produced with modern high-performing components and controlled in a simple but ...

  • Manufactured by Seko Industries Srl
    based in ITALY

    Plant energy efficiency determines the success of the investment and is closely linked to process stability and maximum biogas production. We therefore ensure the operator a highly specialised technical-scientific support service not only during plant start-up but also throughout its working life, for both the biological process and the operating ...

  • Manufactured by Seko Industries Srl
    based in ITALY

    In the preliminary biogas plant construction phase, our technicians with specific knowledge of the national guidelines and regional regulations concerning renewable energy provide customer support also in terms of dealing with all the paperwork required by the complex Italian and EU ...

  • based in CHINA

    Much greater efficiency and comfort can be obtained in many ways with In’Flector Radiant Barrier Window and Skylight Insulators. There are numerous installation options and In’Flector Insulator material varieties to obtain the performance and functionality you desire. Be assured that all In’Flector Insulators will reduce energy consumption and carbon ...

  • Manufactured by Seko Industries Srl
    based in ITALY

    The biological process in biogas plants requires careful study, and effective management and control supports are therefore fundamental to ensure a safe stable process in order to achieve constant production levels with maximum ...

  • based in CHINA

    The See-Through Radiant Barrier Window and Skylight Insulator. The customers of the restaurant at the St. George Boat Club in Australia were not getting the benefit of the spectacular view all too often due to the solar heat gain and glare. By replacing the old blinds with In’Flector See Through Radiant Heat Barrier Window Insulators, the restaurant was able to provide more customer ...

  • Manufactured by Seko Industries Srl
    based in ITALY

    The Agripower Division, a company in the SEKO SpA group, produces high performance cogeneration systems for agriculture and industry, offering maximum dependability and efficiency, which can significantly improve the energy output of renewable sources to ensure high ...

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