Energy Services In Iran

18 services found
  • Premium
    Manufactured by Hermann Sewerin GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    You can trust our more than 80 years of experience in testing gas pipeline ...

  • Manufactured by TECAM
    based in SPAIN

    Online Continuous Monitoring ...

  • based in FINLAND

    The management of climate change in a sustainable manner is a major global challenge. Renewable energy is one of the solutions. Pöyry has proven experience that comes from hands-on involvement in more than 200 power projects that deal with bioenergy - biomass, biofuels and biogas - along with waste-to-energy, wind power, solar power and geothermal ...

  • To prepare, Complete and study the technical documents for tenders and optimizing the technical specifications of the ...

  • Energy Consumption and Supply Management. The structure of energy consumption management. Analyzing and forecasting the energy demand according to its various components. The cost of energy supply. The policies and plans for energy supply. The efficiency of various systems in energy supply sector. Modeling of optimum energy supply systems. Energy auditing. Studying the challenges confronting ...

  • based in FINLAND

    In today’s turbulent times, business leaders and governments are being stretched: how do you achieve more with less? How do you close the execution gap? Whether you’re seeking a fresh perspective on the potential of your manufacturing operations, or you’re looking to increase access to performance information then Pöyry is the ideal Operational Excellence ...

  • based in FINLAND

    Climate change puts pressure on managing power in a way that is sustainable for generations to come. One option is to invest in small hydropower and to capitalise on river resources in a decentralised manner. The contribution of small hydropower to worldwide electrical capacity is estimated to be on a similar scale as other renewable energy ...

  • based in FINLAND

    Fast-paced 21st century change is challenging business leaders and governments to rethink: how do you achieve competitive advantage in today’s complex bioeconomy? Investing in the right bio-based technology can be a make or break decision. Whether you’re formulating a bioenergy strategy, considering liquid biofuels, diversifying into fibre based textiles, developing bio-based ...

  • Manufactured by ERK Eckrohrkessel GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Since 1995, we have had two key R&D projects annually, which were of major significance for our company’s future development. We invest a significantamount of our annual turnover in R&D activities and receive funding from the German state and federal governments as well as international funding agencies. Our R&D activities are always focused on trends that we anticipate on the ...

  • Manufactured by Seko Industries Srl
    based in ITALY

    The Agripower Division produces high efficiency biogas plants in the agricultural and industrial sector with powers from 50 to 2000 kWel, designed to achieve maximum profit. Our plants have a modular standardised configuration and are developed from an industrial concept applied to agriculture, and are therefore highly functional, incredibly simple to run and financially ...

  • Manufactured by ERK Eckrohrkessel GmbH
    based in GERMANY

    Thermal engineering is at the heart of ERK’s business. With more than 6,100 boiler installations & hundreds of engineering contracts we boast unique ...

  • based in CROATIA

    Laboratory for rotating machines as a part of rotating machines department in KONCAR – Electrical Engineering Institute has over thirty years of experience in development, testing and diagnostics of electrical rotating machines with the database of few thousand performed testing. Laboratory is equipped with instruments and tools for onsite testing and diagnostics of rotating ...

  • Manufactured by Seko Industries Srl
    based in ITALY

    Our experience in agriculture and in particular in the field of renewable energy, our cutting-edge solutions and knowledge of the rules and regulations are underlying factors in the professional skills of our plant designers who are able to offer biogas plants developed on the basis of the latest biological research, produced with modern high-performing components and controlled in a simple but ...

  • Manufactured by Seko Industries Srl
    based in ITALY

    Plant energy efficiency determines the success of the investment and is closely linked to process stability and maximum biogas production. We therefore ensure the operator a highly specialised technical-scientific support service not only during plant start-up but also throughout its working life, for both the biological process and the operating ...

  • Manufactured by Seko Industries Srl
    based in ITALY

    In the preliminary biogas plant construction phase, our technicians with specific knowledge of the national guidelines and regional regulations concerning renewable energy provide customer support also in terms of dealing with all the paperwork required by the complex Italian and EU ...

  • based in USA

    PSS performs on-site preventive maintenance on your instrument to maximize uptime and extend instrument life. PSS uses predefined checklists of preventive maintenance procedures under GPC/SEC conditions for consistent service from laboratory to ...

  • Manufactured by Seko Industries Srl
    based in ITALY

    The biological process in biogas plants requires careful study, and effective management and control supports are therefore fundamental to ensure a safe stable process in order to achieve constant production levels with maximum ...

  • Manufactured by Seko Industries Srl
    based in ITALY

    The Agripower Division, a company in the SEKO SpA group, produces high performance cogeneration systems for agriculture and industry, offering maximum dependability and efficiency, which can significantly improve the energy output of renewable sources to ensure high ...

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