Norvento Enerxía

Norvento Enerxía

- Biogas Projects Services for Self-Use Energy Generation



We offer our services both to private companies and state bodies, providing innovative solutions that make it possible to produce biogas for the generation of electrical and thermal energy, as well as other applications of this renewable fuel, such as feeding it to the gas supply network or use in vehicles.

Services Details

The Biogas Unit team is comprised of engineers with extensive experience in process design, the development and execution of biogas projects, including specialists in industrial, chemical, civil and agricultural engineering.

More than a decade of experience in the sector and agreements at the international level with leading technologists in the sector vouch for our expertise. We pay special attention to all the technical details so that our plants are perfectly integrated with the client’s installations and facilities and operate in accordance with the terms and conditions that the client specifies, anticipating any kind of incident.

Our solutions enable us to valorise waste optimally, helping companies in the primary sector as well as those involved in food processing and production, and in any other that generates waste with an organic content, to meet a significant part of its energy consumption, both electric and thermal with this fuel, which is completely renewable.

With a track record of over 40 years in renewable technology, and with a large number of assets in its own portfolio, Norvento provides the best energy solutions, analysing and integrating other renewable energy sources together with the biogas plant.

  • Public Sector: waste management and treatment plants.
  • Private Sector: All the sectors of activity that generate any effluent or organic by-product that can be valorised in a biogas plant, in particular, the primary sector and agri-food industry.

Our clients achieve an optimal treatment of waste thanks to the strengths of Norvento’s biogas plants:

  • Flexible and modular designs that can by hybridised with other renewable technologies.
  • Easy to operate and maintain.
  • Equipped with Smart SCADA connected to Norvento’s 24/365 Control Centre to ensure the efficient monitoring of the biogas plant.

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