KLiUX Energies International  Inc. (KLiUX)

KLiUX Energies International Inc. (KLiUX)

Off-Grid Installation Services



The wind-solar hybrid generation system which is more oriente towards places that are off-grid from an electrical network, is composed by photovoltaic panels, a vertical axis wind turbine and a battery bank. They are all managed by a high-quality electronic controller located in a station to protect it from the weather. All the energy that is generated is consumed by the user and/or stored in the batteries. The batteries provide the energy required when neither the wind nor sun are sufficient to satisfy the demand, thus being capable of supplying the user with for several days autonomically.

Services Overview

There is the possibility of adding a generator set that starts-up when the batteries are no longer capable of fulfilling the demand.

On the other hand, the electrical system has a communications module that allows monitoring the status of the entire set from any point on Earth, as well as the wind and sun production and the batteries’ consumption and load. A small weather station is included to inform of the environmental temperature, the solar panels’ temperature, the wind speed and the solar irradiance. Thanks to this station, you will be able to check if the system’s performance is optimum or not.

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