Power Generation Services
AZCO INC. is an integrated industrial contractor offering a unique blend of general mechanical, fabrication and maintenance capabilities to construct new coal, gas or renewable fuel power plants, or to convert plants from coal to natural gas.
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Services Performed:
Services Performed:
- New Construction
- Heat steam recovery generators
- Combustion turbines, steam turbines and generators
- Power boilers
- Heavy haul and rough setting of turbines, generators and auxiliary equipment
- Cyclone-fired fluidized bed boilers
- Precipitators
- Flue gas desulfurization scrubbers
- NCRs and SCRs
- Pulse jet and reverse air baghouses
- Bulk handling equipment
- Power piping
- Underground piping
- ASME Section I and B31.1 BOP piping
- All interconnecting and HRSG system
- Flue gas ductwork
- Precipitator retrofit
- Superheater element
- Economizer element
- Water wall replacement
- Feedwater heater
- Ductwork modification
- High-pressure piping and code welding
- General boiler repair
- Turbine open, clean and close
- Hot gas path inspection
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