New Energy Systems

New Energy Systems

Project Development Services


Facilitated initial seed funding for the development of a novel underwater turbine. Arranged for prototype demonstration project of same underwater turbine, including signing of industrial partners. Sold one 55kW hydrogen gas engine to Hydro's wind-hydrogen project at Utsira. Strategy document for Norske Skog ASA on bio-diesel production. Facilitated the joint venture between Norske Skog and Norsk Hydro on development of a bio-diesel production facility. Investigated the use of bio-fuelled turbines in power production. Feasibility study; Pilot plant for biochar in Solør-Odal, Norway. Assisted client with proposal to the Norwegian Government's white paper on Climate Initiatives. Provided support to client on financing of stove project in Zambia. Assists client with commercialization of thermo-electric element.

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