Silicon Carbide Coating Services
Toyo Tanso USA provides silicon carbide coating on Toyo Tanso graphite substrates. The resulting product provides excellent coating uniformity and durability. We take great pride in providing a consistent and reliable coating. Having the ability to select substrates from our internal inventory of engineered graphites for CVD coating allows full tracebility of our platters.
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Overview Services
Toyo Tanso services these main industries as well as others with silicon carbide coated product:
• Epitaxial
• CZ
• Solar
We can deposit our CVD silicon carbide on graphite substrates from small thin plates to large diameter shields for the CZ industry.
Toyo has made platters with flat, convex, concave and other various topologies in the pocket floor. We have made platters with small 2' to larger 8' pocket diameters. We have used this experience to generate statistical analysis to help us predict with great accurracy our deposition rates. This results in a high quality platter that offers great productivity in your application. The expereince we have garnered over the last couple decades have been invaluable in servicing our customers. These customers include many OEM's of epitaxial equipment. Please feel free to give us a call when developing your next platter.
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