Solar Energy Alberta Canada - Residential and Commercial Solar Power Program
The Government of Alberta recently announced a rebate program for homes and businesses to install rooftop solar panels.
The program will draw from a $36 Million dollar fund which has been allocated from the carbon levy revenues.
The solar power rebate is expected to cut costs of home solar panel installations by up to 30% and up to 25% for businesses and non-profits.
If the $36Mn fund supplies 25% of costs, that will equate to $144Mn of new solar panel installations in Alberta. Assuming an installed cost of $2.50 to $3.00/W (which is conservatively high), the program will equate to 48MW to 58MW of new solar PV capacity.
Alberta currently has 15MW of installed solar PV capacity, meaning this program could triple the amount of solar PV installed in a very short time frame.
The residential and commercial solar power rebate program is expected to create 900 jobs in the next 2 years.
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