Solid Energy - Heat Pump Solutions for Buildings, District Heating and Industry
Solid Energy has many years of experience with heat pumps and has developed a complete heat pump program from 150 kW up to 2,700 kW per unit.
Services Overview
Find your heat pump in the following temperature ranges:
- 65 °C
- 90 °C
- 115 °C / 150 °C
Our strengths:
- Supply temperature up to 150 °C
- Modular standard units from 150 kW to 2700 kW per unit
- Natural refrigerants
- Proven technology – more than 50 MW installed.
- Competitive Capex/Opex
- Quiet operation – screw compressors only
- High return temperature is handled effectively.
- 24/7 monitoring and support
Energy from:
- Outdoor air
- River/lake water
- Groundwater/seawater
- Waste heat from industry
- Waste heat from cooling units
- Waste heat from water treatment plants
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