Technical Consulting Services



Our experts provide energy efficiency improvement consulting to buildings and process industries through heat-loss management program TPCheckTM . We approach energy efficiency improvement from a thermal insulation perspective, and work in close collaboration with clients to identify, and prioritize energy savings opportunities as well as recommendations to thermal insulation that will improve the thermal performance and enable sustainability of gains. Industrial Heat Loss Management, Building Energy Efficiency through Insulations

Renewable Energy Development

We bring state-of-art Waste to Energy (WTE) technology in collaboration with strategic partners from Sweden and Denmark. Our clients can own and operate WTE plants tailored to their environment and resources with innovative technologies we bring to them.

Wastes from household, agricultural, industrial and construction can be burnt to produce energy at incineration plants. Waste is a relatively cheap fuel and some of the European countries have developed a large capacity and skill in efficient and profitable waste treatment. Some of them even import millions of tonnes of waste from other countries to meet their Waste to Energy requirements.

We provide comprehensive consulting from technology selection, plant designing, equipment sourcing, erection of plants and commencement of WTE plants.

Clean Energy Development

We provide clean energy solutions through innovative processes for producing biodiesel that fulfils the EN 14214 and ASTM-D6751-02 quality standards.
Our Solution includes;

  • Consulting, planning and vertically integrated solutions
  • Engineering (planning permissions, basic and detail engineering)
  • EPC turnkey implementation of multi-feedstock biodiesel plants
  • Service & maintenance and operation

Infrastructural Construction Solutions

We provide solutions to Infrastructure Constructions like Highways, Metros, Dams & Bridges through our team of professionals with significant experience and knowledge depth in industrial, infrastructure and large construction projects. Our values ensure to deliver the needed technical services, along with quality products and on time execution of our contracts. Our Solutions extend from repair & rehabilitation of infra structures, protection of critical concrete structures, structural strengthening, underground concrete sealing and ground stabilisations.
Our comprehensive expertise gained over experience, offer a fully integrated approach; specialist design, technical advice, careful on-site supervision, execution quality, efficiency and safety during construction.
By connecting with clients right from project start up, we develop tailor-made, safe and sustainable system solutions that will be compatible with local job-site conditions.

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