Technical Inspection Services
The services mentioned in the Application Form for Technical Services can be contracted solely in the Inspection Office of the relevant exhibiting hall, where also information on other services that can be rendered by Belgrade Fair can be obtained respectively. The afore mentioned services are not included in the exhibiting space rental or construction price and they are subject to additional payment.
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Services Details
Belgrade Fair power has got the voltage of 220V single phase and 3x380V three phase alternating power of 50Hz. Any cables and/or devices shall be compatible for operation under the said voltage and frequency. For manufacturing of cabling for connection of various devices, machines, and lights, as for protection from the tuch-in voltage, regulations on manufacturing of temporary electrical cables shall be applied accordingly. A stand shall have a switchboard, fully in accordance with the regulations, Belgrade Fair will connect it to the network. The connection of the installed cables shall be approved by an authorized employee of Belgrade Fair Electricity Department.
Instructions and Technical Conditions for Electrical Installations Fitting at Belgrade Fair
Belgrade Fair offers the ability to access the Internet through a wireless (Wi-Fi) and UTP connections (for speeds above 10/2 Mbs). We offer four packages, with the option of additional charges for symmetric speed, as well the possibility to use a public IP address. There are also additional services of configuration and network setup, as well as other IT staff services.
Please read more detailed Rules for Internet Usage
Belgrade Fair has got an internal mail telephone exchange for its users, which enables all kind of incoming and outgoing telephone calls automatically (an operator calling for the connection is necessary).
The connection means a connection to the telephone network with a telephone set, whereas usage of an additional set or fax machine is subject to additional payment in accordance with the price list.
Belgrade Fair plumbing has got the connection size 3/4 inch, which can be reset to 1/2 inch upon request. Any water connection made by an exhibitor shall be approved by Belgrade Fair authorized staff.
Staff Engagement
Subject to filling in the relevant form and additional payment in accordance with the Price List, Belgrade Fair puts to its exhibitors disposal staff for all types of works mentioned therein.
Exhibit Insurance
Belgrade Fair is not insured against theft of displayed exhibits. We recommend our exhibitors to conclude the fair event insurance. The insurance can be concluded through a Belgrade Fair Insurance Department, in the Head Office room.
Belgrade Fair shall not be responsible for any non insured exhibits, equipment or other property of an exhibitor whatsoever, in case of a damage (theft, damaging, etc), during mounting, the event and dismantle period. Any responsibility and/or damage compensation shall be borne by the exhibitor.
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