Thermal Process Engineering
For optimisation of waste incineration, a grate is...
For optimisation of waste incineration, a grate is available based on the MARTIN® system with an output of 0.9 MWtherm. The plant features a complete exhaust gas purification unit and extensive analytical systems. Highly qualified R&D projects to minimise emissions both of ash and of exhaust gas can be carried out.
Since 2003 one area of focus has been on thermo-chemical conversion of biomasses. The object is to generate a high net heating value synthesis gas which can be used in a CHP plant to generate heat and power or in syntheses for the production of synthetic diesel ('BtL'), natural gas substitute ('SNG') or base chemicals. An innovative element of the solutions offered by CUTEC is the facility they provide to utilise biological by-products and residual materials such as straw, husks, grass cuttings, animal meal, etc.
Many production processes generate exhaust gases polluted with solvents. These must be oxidised, usually by means of fossil fuels such as natural gas. In recent years CUTEC has, in a number of research projects, succeeded in improving the energy efficiency of the production/exhaust gas purification combination. Natural gas consumption has been significantly reduced, while attaining low emissions. This R&D work is closely application-oriented, and is essentially founded on cooperation between the research organisation and industrial partners.
All the research topics cited relate to issues being faced by modern industrial societies. The Department of Thermal Process Engineering would be glad to apply its long-standing experience and high-quality experimental equipment in cooperation agreements with international clients or as part of joint international projects. Talk to us about it!
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