Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants (CERC)

Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants (CERC)


Wind Energy and Airflow Services



CERC has provided expert services in local flow and turbulence modelling for over 25 years and regularly takes part in UK, EU and international research projects.

Services Overview

We are experts in solving a range of wind energy problems, such as:

  • determining the optimum site for a wind turbine or wind farm to achieve maximum energy yield;
  • determining the optimum location of wind turbines within a wind farm to achieve maximum array efficiency;
  • assessing the impact of a proposed wind farm on the energy yield of an existing wind farm;
  • producing short-term forecasts (over a few days) of wind energy yield for a wind farm;
  • calculating mean flow and turbulence along the length of a planned bridge; and
  • forecasting the likelihood of exposure of a wind-sensitive structure to destructive winds.

CERC uses our own practical, high resolution FLOWSTAR-Energy model, which is suitable for both onshore and offshore sites. The model simulates air flow and turbulence over flat or complex terrain, including the effects of stratification, variable surface roughness and wind turbines in operation.

Using the model, CERC provide a range of essential outputs for wind farm planning, including estimates of free stream, gross and net energy yields, and high-resolution maps of flow and turbulence.

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