SoftInWay Inc.

SoftInWay Inc.

- Steam Cycles Software


AxCYCLE from SoftInWay lets you model every phase of the design for electrical and thermal power generation with a steam cycle analysis.

About Steam Cycles

About Steam Cycles

Power plants generate electrical power by using fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas. Thermal power plants, in which steam is applied as a working medium, have advantages distinguishing them from power plants with a gaseous working medium. The steam cycle is a practical one; it is the basis of virtually all steam power plants and hence, electricity generation.

A heat scheme power plant consists of a boiler, turbine, condenser and a pump. Fuel, burned in the boiler and superheater, heats the water to generate steam. The steam is then also heated in the superheater. This steam is used to rotate the turbine which powers the generator. Electrical energy is generated when the generator windings rotate in a strong magnetic field. After the steam leaves the turbine, it is cooled to its liquid state in the condenser. The liquid is pressurized by the pump prior to going back to the boiler.

Benefits of using AxCYCLE™ for Steam Cycles:

  • AxCYCLE™ is integrated in the design process
  • Input of mandatory data to get the turbomachinery elements’ boundary conditions as cycle results almost instantaneously
  • Generate automated, printer-friendly reports
  • Results can be saved to be used in AxSTREAM™ for design purposes
  • Compressor pressure raise at design point, fuel combustion lower heat, turbine rotational speed, etc. can be specified
  • Fuel lower heating value

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