bioGASMAS System
Profound planning. Coherent operation. AI algorithms for optimisation. Comprehensive understanding. bioGASMAS is the software to treat your biogas business data and produce AI based decisions. bioGASMAS is about creating a tangible, practical plan and achieving real results for every biogas power plant. Bring together your best people and deploy the bioGASMAS so you can see more, go deeper and act swiftly. bioGASMAS - enabling you to tackle the biggest challenges of today - and capture the best opportunities of tomorrow.
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GASMAS software lifts planning, operating and tracking the performance of biogas power plant to highest level
- Increased Teams‘ competencies
- Reduced biogas power plant carbon footprint
- Increased full load operational hours
- Savings on machinery management
- Efficiency improvement for the biogas Team
User Benefits
- Biogas power plant operation data
- Biological process parameters
- Feedstock (raw material) flows
- Equipment maintenance task
- Invoices
- Feedstock consumption plan
- budget tracking
- Biogas production process monitoring
- AI based learing from other bioGASMAS users
- Predictive analytics early warning of production process faults
- Team tasks management
- Equipment MAINTENANCE system
- Improved production efficiency
- More biogas produced
- Imporved CAPEX lifetime
- Up to +320 (+4%) full load operational hours
- IMPROVED working environment for the team
- Reduced carbon footprint
- Lifts biogas power plant planing, operation and performance to the highest level
Better feedstock management, increased full load production hours, time savings for the
team will result in reduced biogas power plants‘ carbon footprint: we estimate the 55t
CO2/year reduction , 2.5-5.0% CO2 reduction.
55 t co2 / year
average carbon footprint reduction for single biogas power plant
This is the amout that a grown forest absorbs every year
712 000 tons of CO2 saving
within 15 year period
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