Energy Lens | BizEE Software Limited

Energy Lens | BizEE Software Limited

- Energy Management Software


Energy Lens is a tool for charting and analyzing energy consumption. Energy Lens is used to monitor and manage energy use by energy managers, facilities managers, and the energy consultants and building-services engineers advising them. This software was designed and built on a simple premise: You can only start to save energy when you clearly see how you're using it.

Energy Lens seamlessly plugs in to Excel. It turns...

Energy Lens seamlessly plugs in to Excel. It turns detailed, raw energy-consumption data into useful charts and figures. You can use these charts and figures to visually identify:

  • When and where you're wasting energy
  • How much energy is being wasted
  • Progress made in reducing energy consumption

Trying to save energy without seeing this information is a bit like trying to get somewhere in a strange city without any road signs or maps: It'll take much longer, you'll miss the easy shortcuts, and you'll never really know how far you've gone or how far you've left to go.

Visually analyzing your energy-consumption data helps you to figure out where to start your energy-saving efforts, where to go next, and how to monitor ongoing progress. It creates the core of all serious energy-saving efforts.

Conceptually it's a simple process. However, doing this analysis manually (or using only Excel) tends to get complicated, and the tedious data manipulation takes up precious time...time that could be better spent doing something a computer can't do for you.

The value in energy management software analysis is clear. The extra value you'll receive from using Energy Lens is an ongoing savings in time, efficiency and overhead costs, as well as a much higher throughput of detailed analysis than comparable software offers.

Energy Lens is Clearly Different from Comparable Energy Management Software

  • It's not a super-advanced system that requires complicated installation and training.
  • It doesn't have a million different report templates to navigate and understand.
  • You can't configure it to pester people with automated alarms: 'Beep Beep! Someone's left the lights on on Floor 3! Code Blue!'
  • It won't help you to check your building's energy consumption using your mobile phone from a beach in the Caribbean.

No, Energy Lens is a simple Excel add-in that makes it easy to visually analyze detailed energy data.

But don't let the quick installation and simple interface fool you.

Under the hood is a powerful and unique Excel add-in, with advanced analysis features you won't find in many high-end energy management software packages.

But using it effectively is far from rocket science.

You don't need a rigorous training course. Instead, we have compiled some quick online training videos to help answer common questions and walk you through the initial paces. But this software is intuitive and easy to understand, right out of the box.

Here's how it works: You give Energy Lens your energy data. Energy Lens displays a set of carefully-crafted analysis features to help you turn that data into useful charts and figures that are specific to your analytic and reporting needs.

Because Energy Lens works completely within Excel, you can seamlessly connect Energy Lens with your existing procedures, and build upon its outputs with further analysis of your own.

Many people have found everything they need in the Excel charts and tables that Energy Lens generates. However, if you want to create a chart that Energy Lens doesn't offer as a point-and-click option, you'll usually find that Energy Lens can generate a table of figures that gets you started.

Analyzing Energy Data Today Requires

Analyzing Energy Data Today Requires
Modern, Detailed, Interval Energy Data – Energy Lens Accepts Nothing Less

Many energy management software packages focus on statistical analysis techniques to squeeze value out of low-resolution monthly meter readings.

Energy Lens focuses exclusively on the analysis of modern, high-resolution interval energy data.

The detail of interval energy data makes manual analysis a chore, but that's not a problem if you're using Energy Lens. And interval data contains over 1000 times the detail of monthly meter readings, making analysis of this data exponentially more valuable for energy-management purposes.

Some organizations have this data available, and yet are still struggling to get useful energy-usage information from the old-school data-analysis techniques. Most organizations will make much greater progress in significantly less time through analyzing interval data.

'But what about the meter readings I've been taking?'

If you don't have interval metering or the budget to invest in it, your only option is to read your meters manually, analyzing the data using traditional monitoring-and-targeting methods.

Even with detailed interval data to analyze, it might make sense to do some traditional M&T as well. Energy Lens helps with this by automatically turning your interval data into accurate weekly or monthly totals, freeing you from the chore of personally reading the meters.

Simple Fact: No amount of time spent analyzing weekly or monthly figures will reveal the patterns and energy-saving opportunities detailed interval data displays in seconds.

The sample chart above shows a section of a plot that Energy Lens made with the click of a button. How many similar energy-saving opportunities would you see if you used Energy Lens to plot the data from your buildings?

And finding energy waste is not the only aspect of energy management for which interval data comes out on top. You'll need interval data to reliably track changes in your energy performance too.

Try Before You Buy

We're not like other energy-management-software vendors.

We don't spend our time making sales visits or sweet-talking upper management into spending lots of money on energy-management solutions they might never actually use.

We simply make a free trial of Energy Lens available for download from our website. We want the energy managers, facilities managers, energy consultants, and engineers to determine whether it's right for their specific needs.

If Energy Lens works well for you, you'll see a good return on investment from buying it. If it doesn't, then we wish you the best of luck in finding what you're seeking elsewhere.

There's not going to be any kind of hard sales push from us – just download the software and try it for yourself. When you see what Energy Lens could bring to your organization's efficiency, we keep it simple for you to purchase your own full-featured version.

Try our no-obligation free trial today. Let Energy Lens help you to claim greater efficiency in energy management.

Key Features


Energy Lens is very easy to pick-up and use productively.

It's been designed to make analysis of interval energy data as fast and as cost-effective as possible, so that you can focus on saving the business money without costing it too much time.


Energy Lens has a number of advanced features to give you precise control over the generated charts and figures. For example, Energy Lens makes it easy to:

  • Focus on particular days-of-the-week and times-of-the-day (e.g. to look at individual tariff cost-bands, or occupancy hours only).
  • Configure specific days that should be excluded from certain types of analysis (e.g. bank holidays and shutdown periods).

The upshot of this is that you can rapidly create charts and tables containing the exact information you need to work out how best to cut energy costs.


  • Tight integration with Excel: Energy Lens creates charts and tables directly in Excel – you can save them, edit them, copy and paste them into reports and presentations, or email them on to a colleague.
  • Works with virtually any interval energy data that can be opened in Excel (5-minute, 10-minute, 15-minute, 20-minute, half-hourly, hourly). Interval energy data invariably comes in either an Excel spreadsheet file, or a CSV file (which can be opened directly in Excel).

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