EWT Holdings N.V. / EWT B.V.

EWT Holdings N.V. / EWT B.V.

DirectWind Management System Software


DMS4 is a modern, user-friendly monitoring portal, developed to ensure that we offer our customers the best wind turbine monitoring possible, which is state-of-the-art and in-line with best practice within the industry.


DMS4 allows EWT customers to monitor the performance of their wind turbine portfolio, with secure user access control, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in real-time on their PC, tablet or smart phone. Users can monitor all their wind parks via the main dashboard. By selecting a wind park the user will be taken to the PARK section which shows the operational status, power and wind speed of all turbines in the park and provides park level reports of daily energy production and availability. By selecting a specific turbine the user is taken to the TURBINE section where live operational data are displayed via a graphical user interface, as well as turbine-level reporting. Turbine alarms and warnings are visible as notifications in all sections. Customers will have a personal login registered on the EWT server to ensure data security.

Whilst continuing to offer transparent turbine performance data, with DMS4, EWT demonstrates its commitment to investing in improving the customer experience utilising the most up to date applications.

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