Smart Meter Gateway Software
by Cuculus GmbHbased in GERMANY
The Smart Meter Gateway Administrator (SMGWA) based on the ZONOS platform enables BSI-compliant administration and management of smart meter gateways (SMGW) according to the standard ...
by Cuculus GmbHbased in GERMANY
ZONOS allows the collection of generation data and a customer friendly visualization as well as a need-based switch off or output reduction of solar and wind power plants, battery systems or combined heat and power ...
by Faradaibased in UNITED KINGDOM
Faradai’s Platform is AI-powered Energy & Sustainability Intelligence Platform. With a scalable and robust Platform-as-a-Service architecture, Faradai Platform provides end-to-end data analytics solutions across the energy value chain, from generation to consumption. Track the real time condition of your energy assets, monitor energy performance of your facilities and obtain data driven ...
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