Showing results for: Waste-To-Energy Software
based in DENMARK
Weel & Sandvig have since 2006 delivered tailored dynamic simulators for training and optimization of Major Waste To Energy plant in Denmark ,Noway, China and United Kingdom. Simulators for China and United Kingdom is in collaboration with B&W ...
based in USA
A diverse range of real-time services. Through its Utility Intelligence PlatformTM Power TakeOff offers a diverse range of real-time energy, environmental, process, and equipment monitoring services for advanced energy users and key account customers looking for energy insight beyond interval meter data. Our low-cost, turn key real-time minute ...
by Samoticsbased in NETHERLANDS
SAM4 ENERGY is the world's first continuous monitoring system for industrial equipment efficiency. Our world leading analytics platform diagnoses the causes of inefficiency in industrial assets and provides cost-effective solutions you can act ...
based in INDIA
Our Energy Monitoring System is a solution to make energy data simple to acquire, understand and act upon – so that missed insights do not become missed ...
based in INDIA
Our Energy Monitoring System is a solution to make energy data simple to acquire, understand and act upon – so that missed insights do not become missed ...
based in USA
Zen HQ combines our smart, connected, thermostats and lighting controls with the power of a cloud software solution to view and manage those devices for a simple and effective building energy management system. Lightweight and affordable, Zen HQ allows for complete control of HVAC, lighting, or both, depending on your needs and energy efficiency goals. Customize ...
based in USA
The energy management system transforms traditional energy management by identifying the most energy wasteful facilities and circuits, and those with the highest power quality risk. Maximize energy efficiency improvements and increase electrical reliability by using the system’s deep power ...
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