Energy Software In Austria

32 software items found
  • Premium
    Manufactured by KISTERS AG
    based in GERMANY

    Your priorities as a distribution system operator or area network operator are the compliance with all current legal obligations, simplified work processes, and the generation of added value for your enterprise and household customers from energy data. Our software lets you implement market communication (GPKE, MaBiS, GeLi Gas and GaBi Gas), grid congestion management (Redispatch 2.0), ...

  • Premium
    Manufactured by KISTERS AG
    based in GERMANY

    KISTERS universal energy solutions fulfil all requirements of individual market roles and actors, while keeping an eye on collaboration and compliance – from the grid control room to trading. Ideally, all actors work with the same software and use role-specific web interfaces through which they can efficiently complete their tasks. Time-consuming data imports and exports become a thing of ...

  • Premium
    Manufactured by KISTERS AG
    based in GERMANY

    Our software solutions make the complex and dynamic processes for traders and procurers a whole lot easier: They support bilateral futures trading right out of the box, handle trading platforms and exchanges for DayAhead and Intraday trading. They offer process support for scheduling and nomination management, comprehensive live reporting, and risk monitoring. You will have a complete overview of ...

  • Premium
    Manufactured by KISTERS AG
    based in GERMANY

    Process-oriented software for all energy sales and balancing group management tasks. KISTERS supports energy contractors like you with complete solutions for end-to-end processes from the initial quote to the contract stage and sales controlling. We work with you to ensure your margins with robust and scalable software solutions today and in the ...

  • Premium
    Manufactured by KISTERS AG
    based in GERMANY

    Optimised energy production, procurement and storage management, lower costs and increased energy efficiency. It has never been more important to make the most of conventional power plants, renewable energy plants and industrial generation parks – i.e. with the lowest possible costs, high profits and, above all: sustainably. Energy companies must ensure reliable generation and supply, ...

  • Premium
    Manufactured by KISTERS AG
    based in GERMANY

    As a distribution system operator (gas, district heating, drinking water and wastewater), you must ensure supply security for end consumers in the context of critical infrastructures. The requirements for IT security and the integration of renewable energies or controllable consumers in low voltage networks are increasing. ...

  • The overall aim of Sub-Area 2.2 is the optimal operation of sustainable biorefinery and renewable energy systems. To achieve this, we address three main ...

  • based in SWEDEN

    SmartPlant 3D, the most advanced plant design software offered in two decades, is Intergraph Process, Power & Marine's next-generation, data-centric, rule-driven solution for streamlining engineering design processes while preserving existing data and making it more usable/re-usable. A member of Intergraph's SmartPlant family of plant modeling software, SmartPlant 3D is a full suite of ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    zenon is a software platform that makes the engineering and automated operation of manufacturing and infrastructure equipment incredibly easy. Whether working in manufacturing or in the energy industry, zenon can help you reach and sustain your operational ...

  • Increase the efficiency of your nuclear plant design process by creating a custom, 2D design environment with AXSYS.Engine. Maximize the speed and accuracy of your workflow by integrating your design tools into a common database-driven architecture. Improve project quality and consistency with libraries for standard symbols, equipment, and templates. Save time managing revisions with an ...

  • Design and analyze building electrical systems with Hevacomp Electrical Designer software, and meet the needs and standards of the United Kingdom. With simple-to-use design tools, you can quickly design complex, high-performance electrical systems with ...

  • Power your next project with Promis.e electrical system design software. You can automate tedious tasks found in traditional CAD-centric design with Promis.e and reduce errors with an intelligent model that cross-references schematics, 2D layouts, 3D equipment models, and reports. Promote standards and consistency with a central database of symbols, parts, and templates. Speed collaboration with ...

  • Explore design alternatives for safe, cost effective offshore wind farm structures with SACS Wind Turbine. Save time with comprehensive, automated tools to determine environmental and mechanical loading response. Reduce risks with integrated analysis for predicting fatigue and extreme loads for substructures and non-linear foundations. Reduce runtime for the large number of time history ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    mP Energy is a forecasting tool that has established itself in recent years as the universal tool for accurate forecasts of consumption, generation, grid and prices in the energy industry. It impresses with an easy-to-use user interface, extremely short computing times and universal applicability for a wide range of applications. "More than the past, I'm interested in the future, because that's ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    Increase revenues and save time with optimal production planning & power market access services. HYDROGRID specializes in the optimal dispatch and commercialisation of flexible, renewable power generation, especially hydro power plants. Our 365-days-a-year optimal production planning & dispatch solutions allow power plant owners to increase their revenues by aligning their production to ...

  • based in SWITZERLAND

    All of the components included with the Energy Control System can be easily and conveniently configured with ECSwin software. Parameter settings are read out from the summators, and are displayed in data entry windows. All values can be changed, saved to memory and transferred to the ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    Manage and optimize your building portfolio. All EU member states are bound to decrease its greenhouse gas emissions till 2020 by 20% (based 1990 levels), improve its energy efficiency by 20% and increase -renewable energy production by 20% (cf. EU climate and energy package 20-20-20). One of the largest greenhouse gas producers (with about 40% of CO2 emissions) is heating, cooling and hot water ...

  • Produce greenfield and brownfield designs up to 40 percent faster with Bentley Substation. Speed project collaboration and coordination with the only software that lets you unite electrical and physical design. Avoid rework, reduce errors, and enhance collaboration with linked and cross-referenced 3D layouts and electrical drawings. Capture best practices and enforce standards with automatic ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    The EU Climate and Energy Package requires all EU Member States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030. One of the largest greenhouse gas producers (accounting for around 40% of CO2 emissions) is heating, cooling and water heating in ...

  • based in AUSTRIA

    Efficient farming decisions: Agriculture provides us with safe and sufficient food but it has never before been subject to such rapid environmental and socio-economic changes. The dynamics of these changes and threats call for new approaches and innovative technologies to efficiently support decision-makers in the agricultural sector. is a software platform that helps its users ...

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