PCI Energy Solutions

PCI Energy Solutions

- Gas & Fuels Management Software



The Perfect Compliment to Your ETRM. Manage, model and optimize fuels. Manage physical and financial transactions, transportation contracts and storage with software built specifically for companies that utilize natural gas, coal or liquids to fuel their power plants.



  • Submit natural gas nominations for pipelines across the United States through a centralized dashboard
  • Manage gas transportation contracts and integrate tariff rates, capacity, and losses for point to point and zone to zone scenarios. Auto-update rates when tariffs change
  • Maintain coal supply contracts by shipment with the ability to capture quality adjustments and shipment related charges


  • Model full lifecycle workflows from deal to cash for natural gas, coal, and liquids, capturing intermediate points to reconcile with customer invoices
  • Learn from industry-leading risk models including MTM calculations per deal
  • Rest easy with counterparty and trader level limit monitoring


  • Optimize natural gas scheduling based on paths, available transport contract capacity, and the cost of delivered gas
  • Streamline account close and invoice reconciliation with automated functionality to allocate cut volumes back to deals
  • Benefit from advanced, comprehensive gas-electric coordination workflows

Software Built for Physical Power Companies

Fully integrate your fuels management

Unlike legacy ETRMs we focus on customers who trade physical power and fuels, so we clearly understand what they need and are focused on tightening the integration between gas procurement and power.

Powerful Integrations

  • Integrate natural gas meter data including city gate and power plant meters for timely burn information
  • Versatile deal capture includes timely, intraday or baseload, fixed and index priced
  • Integrates with DA/RT power systems processes
  • Supports back-office billing processes from meter collection through settlement with counterparties and pipelines

Intuitive Reporting

  • Reporting that feels intuitive because it’s based on familiar Excel pivot tables
  • Summary and detail reports that provide a clear overview of positions as soon as a movement is captured
  • Easy export to Excel

Low Maintenance

  • Only pay for and maintain functionality you need with software built for physical power companies
  • High availability in a cloud-based, flexible architecture
  • Continued support for disruptive technologies and market changes from a provider focused on physical power

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