Powel AS

Powel AS

- Version Powel - Data Interface Connector Software



Powel BI Connector is an Data interface to Powel’s time series database tailor-made for use in Microsoft Power BI.


The solution can also be used in other tools like Excel.

“With the BI Connector users can display, combine and analyse time series data, alone or together with data from other sources,” says product manager at Powel, Trond Ottersland.

If you have versioned time series, the BI Connector can utilise these to retrieve versions or snapshots of valid data at a given date resulting in this chart in Power BI:

Key Functionality

  • Enables users to edit and share regular reports
  • Present and analyse data from external data sources (Met.no, Statnett, Nordpool)
  • Create management reports for easy access to key figures
  • Using the Power BI app for IOS/Android or Windows
  • Management can access reports without logging in to Powel datasystems

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