SwitchDin Pty Ltd.

SwitchDin Pty Ltd.

- Version Stormcloud - Smart and Digital Platform Software


Stormcloud is a smart, digital platform that securely connects every device, delivering insights to allow optimisation, and orchestration of the entire system. And like all great technologies, it serves many functions.

Software Overview

By enabling variable energy resources to respond to the needs of the network at any given time, it’s an invaluable grid balancing tool. And by visualising household energy data, it’s an App that helps homeowners monitor the health of their devices, and the entire system as a whole.

But that’s just the beginning. It also facilitates fleet monitoring, dispatch and market participation in virtual power plants. And with the addition of the analytics module - Stormcloud IQ - it provides advanced, fleet wide analytics too.

And imagine if a home or business could respond to energy price fluctuations, constantly adjusting to save, and actually make money too. This is within reach in the not too distant future.


With a powerful and versatile platform, the right people and the right attitude, virtually anything is possible.

Our cloud platform - Stormcloud - delivers visibility and insights into distributed energy resources, and also control, opening the door to orchestration as well as energy services and opportunities that simply never existed before. Stormcloud’s capabilities can be combined in all kinds of ways, to offer real world solutions for the grid of today, and tomorrow.

Community batteries, potential unleashed

As the fastest adopters of rooftop solar in the world, Australia is racing ahead of everyone in this regard. And with 30 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired energy planned to disappear by 2040, we need to harness as much of that solar as possible. 

Increased PV adoption rates, along with smarter storage are part of the solution, and mid-sized community batteries are one way of achieving that.

They’re a lower cost, more effective approach than household batteries, and can reduce potentially damaging energy flows during peak periods by about 50 per cent.

In order for community batteries to fulfill their potential, however, they need to be visible to the network operator, and the energy market. They need to be able to interact with the grid, allowing for dynamic network agreements, for example, and they need to support the fair and equitable distribution of their services. The ultimate goal is for market participation to be possible for all. 

The good news is, we already offer behind-the-meter and front-of-meter solutions to make this happen.

Virtual power plants, virtual no more

Another way of maximising the grid’s renewables hosting capacity, as well as creating a flexible solution that helps stabilise everything, is by connecting a range of distributed energy assets such as solar, storage and loads, together. 

If there’s too much solar on the grid - a good problem to have - then storage and loads such as air conditioning, and pool pumps can be turned on to soak up the excess, otherwise solar inverters may need to be turned down or shut off. 

In order to orchestrate solar, batteries and loads, however, they obviously need to be able to communicate with each other - and this is a big hurdle given these devices weren’t necessarily made to be controlled.

And that’s what we do. Connect all the various devices in a secure, simple and reliable way that allows 'device to control room' management of distributed energy resources.

Our technology integrates with all the most popular assets and brands, and creates
a uniform platform for VPP participating systems, in a smart and manageable way.

And this is great news for the end user. Why? Because their energy asset just got a pay rise.

Microgrids now, mainstream tomorrow

Australia’s vast land mass and sparse population make it the perfect setting for microgrids. And in remote areas, or situations where there’s a need for homes, businesses or communities to isolate from the main grid, they’re the ideal solution. 

From residential precincts to mine sites, to remote communities and agricultural facilities, microgrids are designed to be able to operate independently of the main grid, and therefore the overriding priority is invariably energy security. 

In order for it all to work properly, of course, you need distributed energy resources to integrate and be managed within the microgrid, whilst also integrating into the utility’s control systems, and that’s where we come in.

Droplets connect to everything, including solar inverters, battery storage systems and DREDs, and create a common language allowing the smooth integration and operation of distributed energy resources in microgrids.

It’s secure, simple, low risk and vendor agnostic.

Embedded networks, empowered.

If you’re establishing an embedded network, there’s only one point of entry to the grid, but many users. The result is that it’s difficult to monitor and manage usage. And although you don’t have to be authorised by the AER as an energy retailer, there are still a number of regulations you need to comply with, that impact how embedded networks can be developed and operated.

We can help on both of these fronts. Integrating your system with Droplets, and connecting them to the Stormcloud platform gives you insight into everything that’s going on, along with control over loads, batteries and solar.

It also takes care of any compliance and constraint issues you might have faced, and prepares you for any upstream opportunities in the future, where your network might be able to participate in a virtual power plant, for example, and start generating even more income.

So not only have you insulated yourself from high energy prices and grid outages, you’ve opened the door to make your system more valuable.

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