Solar Energy Product Applications Available In Australasia

184 applications found
  • Premium

    Soil moisture monitoring solution for solar power industry

    Delta-T Devices solar radiation measurement instruments are well suited to scientific research, meteorological applications, and commercial photovoltaic validation/monitoring. Our range includes the SPN1 Sunshine Pyranometer and BF5 Sunshine Sensor – both of which measure global (total) and diffuse radiation, and sunshine state (all in a single instrument). They are also easy to use and need no routine adjustment or polar ...

    By Delta-T Devices Ltd. based in Burwell, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Premium

    Lidar Wind Speed for Wind Resource Assessment

    The Lidar Wind Speed is already widely used in all phases of a wind project. The Lidar technology has made significant progress in the last decade in becoming a widely accepted source of accurate data to support resource assessment and thus, wind farm developments. The remote sensing lidars are embraced because the measurement data is accurate, reliable and bankable. The deployment and maintenance is easy and of low cost, popular in different application scenarios, especially when applied in wind industry for wind ...

    By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.

  • Premium

    Wind power solutions for complex terrain wind shear analysis sector

    Programme overview: In the preliminary assessment of wind resources, surveys, and refined site selection, the placement of lidar and power supply are issues that need to be carefully considered. The location should avoid deep valleys, cliffs and other highly turbulent terrain. Since there is usually no mains power supply during the measurement, solar cells, small wind turbines or fuel power sources are required for power supply. According to weather conditions such as heavy fog, the integrated wind speed deep ...

    By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.

  • Premium

    Evaporators for Photovoltaic and Microelectronics Industry

    The manufacturing process of the cells that make up the photovoltaic systems and the printed circuits require water in quantity and high quality. This water has to be managed wisely so as not to affect the productivity and the expenses of the plant. Wastewater treatment and reuse to reduce the water ...

  • PV Modules for Solar roofing colored/Building Integrated Solar

    We love design and we are specialised in producing and delivering aesthetic Building integrated solar solution that exactly match your needs and ...

    By Danish Solar Energy Ltd. (DSE) based in Holeby, DENMARK.

  • Solar Energy for Apartment Buildings

    Providing heating, cooling and hot water for apartment buildings uses a lot of energy. Creating a sustainable residential environment in energy-efficient buildings is an important goal for the future. Rising energy prices are the driving force behind finding new solutions that allow buildings to become more self-sufficient in terms of energy. Solar collectors that concentrate the sunlight provide a lot of advantages for the purchaser. Read more about our products and discover how you can profit from using solar ...

    By Absolicon Solar Collector AB based in Härnösand, SWEDEN.

  • Heating Systems for Industrial -Manufacturing & Warehousing

    Why have thousands of customers said yes to SolarWall heating' Because of its myriad capabilities in the industrial arena. SolarWall systems perform a wide range of functions, including; solar heating of ventilation air; reduction of building heat loss; and elimination of hot air stratification at ceiling level, which all combine to produce huge energy ...

    By Conserval Engineering Inc. based in Toronto, ONTARIO (CANADA).

  • Energy from solar heat

    Zuccato Energia ORC systems can be easily used to realize thermodynamic solar plants, in particular hybrid solar plants, thanks to their excellent performances when operating under partial load – i.e. when the thermal input is lower than nominal, a situation that happens often in this type of ...

    By Zuccato Energia Srl based in Verona, ITALY.

  • Ultrasound measurement instrumentation solutions for cleaning mechanisms sector

    Ultrasonic cleaning relies on the mechanical agitation from sound pressure that disrupts the surface boundary layer to allow particles to detach and flow into the bulk ...

    By Onda Corporation based in Sunnyvale, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Non-Standard Applications

    Procal supply analysers to monitor many different applications from small combustion plants to large power stations. Examples include University Boiler Plants, Carbon Black Plants, Thermal Oxidisers and Community Heating ...

    By Procal - Parker Hannifin Corp based in Peterborough, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Photovoltaic Plant Monitoring

    By Nethix S.r.l. based in Castelfranco Veneto (TV), ITALY.

  • Solar Energy for Solar energy i

    Solar energy is increasingly becoming a popular source of energy for stand-alone systems. DSE has vast experience with designing and delivering diverse stand-alone solar solutions in the past 20+ years ...

    By Danish Solar Energy Ltd. (DSE) based in Holeby, DENMARK.

  • Energy storage solution for backup power sector

    Due to the increase in extreme weather events and deferred investments in the grid, many communities experience a growing rate of grid outages. Energy storage systems can bring peace of mind to those who live in areas prone to storms or unreliable utility grids. Eguana's energy storage solutions are designed to automatically switch to battery power in the event of an electric company ...

    By Eguana Technologies based in Calgary, ALBERTA (CANADA).

  • Flow & energy management solutions for water & wastewater industry

    RH20 and EF10 , EF11, EF40 and MAG888 (semi-portable). Well-suited for checking installed meters, leakage determination, network analysis and flow ...

    By Spire Metering Technology, LLC. based in Marlborough, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).

  • Environment Chambers for Renewable Energy

    Solar Panels, Energy Meters, Gas ...

    By Aralab based in Albarraque, PORTUGAL.

  • Solar Mounting Systems for Public Sector

    We understand the unique needs of the public sector. Tight timelines, small windows for installation, rigorous and project-specific safety plans for the public, and the need for greater durability. We work with architects, consultants, roofing manufacturers, and facility departments to ensure that the structural integrity of the roof is maintained and the roofing system’s warranty is honored. Our systems are designed to span a variety of roofing types and distribute loads evenly, thereby minimizing point ...

    By Polar Racking Inc. based in Mississauga, ONTARIO (CANADA).

  • Power generation solutions for food and beverage industry

    Solar Turbines provides energy solutions with our gas turbines for power generation, and has extensive experience in the food and beverage industry. Our cogeneration products will increase reliability, efficiency and uptime, avoiding production downtime for your brewery, distillery or food processing plant. With the purchase of our products, Solar offers lifecycle support with one of our Long-Term Service options. Using our combined heat and power technology, Solar can help produce steam for your operations and ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Groundbreaking Direct Hydraulic Drive Technology for Renewable Energies

    CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY PRODUCTION. Renewable energy is collected from resources that are naturally replenishing but flow-limited, including carbon neutral sources like sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat. In order to meet increasing worldwide demand for energy, it is necessary to harness energy from renewable sources in order to provide ecologically and economically sustainable and efficient methods of power generation. From production machinery for solar panels to the ...

    By Hägglunds based in Mellansel, SWEDEN.

  • Plasma Technology for Decarbonising Industrial Processes

    High-temperature, high-power plasma torch technology can significantly assist in decarbonising industrial processes in several ...

    By Tetronics Technologies Limited based in Swindon, UNITED KINGDOM.

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