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Photovoltaic And Thermal Articles & Analysis

22 articles found
  • Soiling Research at Green Energy Park with DustIQ

    One of the first customers to use DustIQ was Green Energy Park in Morocco, to support research field tests. Since February 2018, OTT HydroMet's DustIQ Soiling Monitoring System has been on their site and measuring the on-site soiling ratio. Green Energy Park (GEP) is a research center, a training platform and a testing facility located in the green city of Ben Guerir, mid-south of Morocco ...

    By OTT HydroMet Solar Energy

  • Discover the future of solar energy

    At its annual forum, World Economic announced that "by 2030, solar energy could become the most important energy source for electricity and heat production in much of the world." So while solar power remains marginal in the global energy mix, we are forced to see that it is growing exponentially and worldwide. Indeed, solar energy seems to be the great energy of the future due to its multiple ...

    By Abora Solar

  • Veneto 03 - ZE-50-LT - Boiler Fueled by Wood Prunings / Heat Recovery from Hot-Air-Turbines - Case Study

    Plant: 1 x ZE-50-LT Low-Temperature Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Module, nominal output 50 kWe Nominal output: 50 kWe Application: Mixed - Power generation from biomass (boiler fueled by wood prunings) / Heat recovery (from hot-air-turbines) Location: Province of Venice, Veneto, Italy Manager: Public multiutility company The client who commissioned this plant is one of the largest Italian ...

    By Zuccato Energia Srl

  • What is the difference between photovoltaic power station and solar thermal power station?

    Solar thermal power is a technology that converts light energy into heat energy and then generates electricity by doing work through a conventional thermal cycle.Solar thermal power is a technology that converts light energy into heat energy and then generates electricity by doing work through a conventional thermal cycle.Solar thermal power produces the same alternating current as conventional ...

  • Concentrated Solar Power 101 – A Solar Setup in the Makes

    Have I ever told you about my love for Morocco? Easily one of my favorite places I’ve ever been to. The aromatic spices, the lovely hospitality, the beauty of the country, and yes, I’ve tried but I cannot make couscous as good as I’ve had there. Add concentrated solar power to this mix, and won’t it just be too good to be true? So yeah, it wouldn’t be incorrect to ...

    By Powerhub

  • Enphase helps to reduce the Electric Bills - Case study

    The Enphase IQ 6+ microinverters were installed on this solar energy plant for a system of 2.8KW total installed power. This is installed with 8 Mono-Crystalline Solar Panels from Waaree. The requirement was a scalable system with an elevated structure for a proper walk-way access to clean the panels.The main challenges for the installation were limited space and the shadow on the roof. About ...

    By Enphase Energy

  • KB Racking’s Custom Solutions Yield Riveting Results in New Jersey!

    2016 marked a very productive time in the relationship between KB Racking and Evergreen Energy Solutions as we worked together on three large solar projects in the state of New Jersey. Two of them have already been completed and the third is expected to be fully installed late 2017. The total combined project size of these three projects exceeds an astounding 8500 panels. These projects have ...

    By KB Racking

  • Case study - Managing complex energy systems

    Introduction: Campus on a Renewable Mission The Chewonki Foundation owns and runs a school campus in Wiscasset, Maine that supports a high school program, a boys and girls summer camp, and an organic farm. Chewonki is an alternative school with a focus on environmental education and natural history. ch-classroom.jpgAs such, one of the Foundation’s goals is to teach its students about ...

    By Powerhouse Dynamics

  • Solar exergy maps for photovoltaic/thermal systems

    In this paper, the thermal and electrical exergies and the exergy destructions are calculated for a photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) system based on solar exergy rates for some Indian climates namely Bangalore, Jodhpur, Mumbai, New Delhi and Srinagar for a year and for different US climates namely Chicago, Las Vegas, Miami, New York, Portland, San Antonio, San Francisco, Tucson and Tulsa for January, ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Solar power generation by photovoltaic technology

    The various forms of solar energy, solar heat, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal electricity, and solar fuels offer a clean, climate-friendly, very abundant and in-exhaustive energy resource to mankind. Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaic (PV), or indirectly using concentrated solar power (CSP). The research has been under way since the ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • Thermodynamic and life cycle assessment of flat–plate collector, photovoltaic system and photovoltaic thermal collector

    In this study, an energy, exergy and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis of a Flat–Plate (FP) collector, a Photovoltaic (PV) system and a Photovoltaic–Thermal (PV–T) collector is carried out for better evaluation. It is observed that instantaneous energy, daily energy and exergy efficiency of the FP collector, the PV system and the PV/T collector vary between 53–61%, 19–30%, 23–37% and 56–74%, ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Thermal management of non–concentrating photovoltaic panels under extreme ambient conditions

    Solar photovoltaic modules have reduced efficiency levels when the ambient temperature is very high. In this paper, the temperature and the efficiency of a non–concentrating flat plate collector is determined by a one dimensional steady state analysis at different solar radiation levels for the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia where the radiation intensity and ambient temperatures are very high. The ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • The UK lags behind EU counterparts to achieve 20% renewable energy target

    While some countries have almost hit their targets the UK still has a long way to achieve its 15% renewable energy target by 2020. The EU is more than halfway to reaching its 20% target of generating energy from renewables by 2020, according to new figures published today by Eurostat. The EU's 2009 directive on renewable energy set individual targets for all 27 member states, with a goal for the ...

    By Vital Energi

  • Plan B 4.0 by the numbers - data highlights on solar energy

    Concerns about global warming, rising fossil fuel prices, and oil insecurity have prompted calls for a new energy economy, one that replaces fossil fuels with renewables. The sun is an enormous reservoir of energy; in fact, the sunlight reaching Earth in just one hour is enough to power the global economy for a whole year. Harnessing some of this energy is an essential component of Earth Policy ...

    By Earth Policy Institute

  • Energy and exergy metrics analyses of Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal air collector

    This paper presents the Energy Pay Back Time (EPBT) of Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal (HPVT) air collector based on exergy analysis for composite climate of New Delhi. The exergy metrics namely Electricity Production Factor and Life Cycle Conversion Efficiency in addition to EPBT have also been evaluated by using exergetic output. It has been observed that EPBT of HPVT air collector without balance ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • China and US cooperate on building efficiency

    Chu Announces Joint U.S.-China Building Efficiency MOU BEIJING, CHINA - After touring the "America House," a U.S. designed demonstration of cutting edge "zero energy" building technology, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced a new agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Chinese Ministry of Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD) to foster collaboration and partnership ...

    By BioMicrobics, Inc

  • Thermal modelling, validation and exergetic analysis of a hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) active solar still

    This paper presents the thermal analysis of a self sustainable, new design of hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) active solar distillation system. The experiments were conducted for 24 h (7am-7am) for the New Delhi (India) climatic conditions on typical days during the month of April 2006 for water at different depths (i.e., 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 m) in order to validate the experimental results, a ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Thermodynamic performance analysis of a hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal (PV/T) integrated greenhouse air heater and dryer

    In this paper, performance analysis of a hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) greenhouse air heater and dryer has been carried out. Analytical expressions have been developed for: greenhouse air temperature, instantaneous and overall energy and exergy efficiencies for without load, and instantaneous exergy efficiency with load under forced mode operation. An experimental validation has been carried ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Renewable energy technologies in Nepal

    Nepal, one of the least-developed countries, has a per capita energy consumption of about 336 kilograms of oil equivalent (kgoe), which is much below the world average of 1,474 kgoe. Around 85.27% of the total energy consumption comes from traditional energy resources and only 0.48% from renewable sources. About 40% of the total population has access to electricity. This 40% uses 33% from the ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Renewable energy technologies and the European industry

    The European renewable energy industry has the potential to be a world leader. This has been achieved within the European region for specific technologies, through a set of policy activities at a national and regional level, driven primarily by employment, energy self-sufficiency and industrial competitiveness. Using the experience gained in recent years, European industry has the opportunity to ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

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