Solar Energy Equipment Supplied In Delaware

9 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Sun-In-One
    based in USA

    One of the most important factors in promoting your business is your signage. There are many varieties of signs and Sun-In-One™ has the kits for each of these sign types. When you look at installation, traditional sign lighting systems often require long runs of electrical wire (from a power source to the light fixture), which often need to be buried (trenched) and re-landscaped over. ...

  • Manufactured by Sun-In-One
    based in USA

    Sun-In-One™ complete turnkey bus shelter solar kits are built to last in all environments. Our bus stop and shelter kits are one of the most cost effective solutions for off grid lighting in the industry, designed to provide up to 3 days of power to the lights with no sun. Our patented 98 CRI LEDs put out more Lumens per Watt with great light more than any other light in the industry. The ...

  • Manufactured by Sun-In-One
    based in USA

    Keep your flag and pole lit and proud through the night with Sun-In-One™ Solar Flag Pole Lighting Kits! Our lighting systems use super-bright LED flood lights to make sure your pole can be seen and admired from all sides. Sun-In-One™ Solar Flag Pole Lighting Kits are complete, turn-key systems that function independently from the grid, meaning our kits are invulnerable to brown-outs ...

  • Manufactured by Sun-In-One
    based in USA

    Sun-In-One Solar Street Lights are the reliable way to light any outdoor area. Whether you need light to enhance visibility or improve security, our solar powered lights are the most economical solution to light any roadway, parking lot, path, trail, billboard, sign, fence line or ...

  • Manufactured by Sun-In-One
    based in USA

    Sun-In-One™ Solar Mail Box Lighting Kits are complete, turn-key systems that are built to last in any environment. Our kits are one of the most cost-effective and environmentally-friendly ways of lighting up your mail box or mail box building. We specially design our kits based on local sun and weather conditions, and are capable of providing 3 days of power for lighting without sun. Our ...

  • Manufactured by Sun-In-One
    based in USA

    Shipping Container Solar Lighting Kits provide lighting in shipping containers and storage areas with 2 days of battery technology for cloudy, rain, or snow days with 8 hours per day of run time. Prewired Turn-key kits – with Bluetooth technology for smart phone viewing of system data – are easy to set up, reduce wiring and labor costs, and are an efficient alternative to generators. ...

  • Manufactured by Sun-In-One
    based in USA

    Here at Sun-In-One, we’ve created the perfect way to power and light up just about any feature you can think of. Our units can run both DC and AC low voltage to wherever necessary, allowing you to put power at the point of use, eliminating the need for expensive trenching and utilities installations, and solar power eliminates monthly utilities ...

  • Manufactured by Sun-In-One
    based in USA

    Sun-In-One Solar Shed Lighting and Power Kits can transform a shed, pavilion, shelter or out building into a well-lit usable space with DC and AC power, without the expensive costs associated with trenching, wiring or electrical ...

  • Manufactured by Sun-In-One
    based in USA

    Here at Sun-In-One, we strive to offer products that suit the needs of our customers. To do that, we provide various options to choose from that can solve any problem you may have. For instance, if you already have a security camera, but just need the means to provide it power, we can lead you towards the Solar Power Unit FOR 24 Hour DC Security Cameras. If you need the camera and the solar power ...

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