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Semiconductor Wafer Services

7 services found
  • based in GERMANY

    During semiconductor deposition processes the quartzware is coated with thin films. The adhesion of the deposited film to the quartz surface significantly influences the quartzware mean time between cleaning (MTBC) from non CTE matched deposition layers. Heraeus SST is a surface treatment that has been designed to increase the deposited layer thickness and suppress particle generation. This ...

  • based in USA

    Richardson RFPD offers a full range of Power Semiconductor and Passive component testing services.Our Power Semiconductor testing capabilities include Converter and Inverter assembly testing from gate driver cards to complete system tests from few KW to over 500 kW. Our Passive Component testing capabilities include power capacitor capacitance, charging & forming; Power Resistor testing; and ...

  • based in USA

    Optimize performance, boost functionality, and decrease costs. Industrial electronics require high power quality thanks to equipment and process control sensitivity (e.g., factory automation equipment, semiconductor processing, etc.). As a power system designer, you're faced with changing safety regulations, greater performance and functionality demands, increased costs, and size reduction ...

  • based in USA

    Our experienced Power Conversion engineers are available to design both air- and water-cooled assemblies to your specifications with a wide range of options. Each assembly will be manufactured in an ISO9001:2000 facility with ESD ...

  • Wafer Annealing is a high-temperature furnace operation that relieves stress in silicon, activates ion-implanted dopants, reduces structural defects and stress, and reduces interface charge at the silicon-silicon dioxide interface. SVM offers annealing solutions for wafers ranging in diameter from 25mm to 300mm. We provide many standard anneal recipes or can provide custom annealing to your ...

  • based in GERMANY

    The surface condition of quartzware plays an essential role, particularly for semiconductor processes. Heraeus offers quartz surface treatments to increase lifetime of quartz and / or enable cost saving ...

  • Wafer dicing is the process of sawing a wafer into its respective parts, called die. SVM dices silicon and other various types of wafer substrates, to any size required using precision diamond dicing blades. Dicing services are available for all wafer diameters ranging from 50mm to 300mm for both patterned and non-patterned wafer substrates. We specialize in processing very thin substrates with ...

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