Solar Cells Books
Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
Several forms of thin-film solar cells are being examined as alternatives to silicon-solar cells—one of the most promising technologies is the dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC), with proven efficiencies that approach 11%. This book, which provides a comprehensive look at this promising technology, aims to provide both a graduate level text that brings together the fundamentals of DSC from three ...
Crystal Growth of Silicon for Solar Cells
This volume presents a comprehensive survey of the science and technology of crystal growth of Si for solar cells with emphasis on fundamental science. Starting from feedstock, crystal growth of bulk crystals (single crystal and multicrystals) and thin film crystals are discussed. Numerous illustrations promote a comprehension of crystal-growth physics. The fundamental knowledge on crystal growth ...
Concentrator Photovoltaics
Photovoltaic solar-energy conversion is one of the most promising technologies for generating renewable energy, and conversion of concentrated sunlight can lead to reduced cost for solar electricity. In fact, photovoltaic conversion of concentrated sunlight insures an efficient and cost-effective sustainable power resource. This book gives an overview of all components, e.g. cells, concentrators, ...
Thin Film Solar Cells: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications
This book aims to present for the first time an in-depth overview of this topic covering a broad range of thin-film solar cell technologies including both organic and inorganic materials, presented in a systematic fashion, by the scientific leaders in the respective domains. It covers a broad range of related topics, from physical principles to design, fabrication, characterization, and ...
Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth
For the first time since the oil age began, the world has the technology to wean itself from petroleum coming from the politically volatile Middle East. A combination of wind turbines, solar cells, hydrogen generators, and fuel cell engines offers not only energy independence, but an alternative to climate-disrupting fossil fuels. The global economy is out of sync with the earth's ecosystem, as ...
Advanced Renewable Energy Sources
This book is an ideal reference text for teaching renewable energy to engineering and science students, as well as a reference book for scientists and professionals doing self study on the subject. The book has twelve chapters and starts with the definition and classification of renewable and non renewable energy and their status at global level. This chapter also contains the basic heat transfer ...
Molecular Catalysts for Energy Conversion
The role of molecular catalysts for energy conversion grows more and more important since these have wide applications in fuel cells, electrochemical solar cells, artificial photo-syntheses, and so on. A firm strategy for their design and application is awaited to cope with the expeditious solution of the latest energy and environment issues. This book aims to provide the basis of molecular ...
International Workshop on Advanced Material for New and Renewable Energy
The International Workshop on Advanced Material for New and Renewable Energy is organized by the Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), in co-operation with ASEAN Sub Committee on Material Science and Technology (SCMST) and Sub Committee on Non-Conventional Energy Research (SCNCER). Its primary objective is to provide effective media for sharing information about ...
Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble
Our global civilization today is on an economic path that is environmentally unsustainable, a path that is leading us toward economic decline and eventual collapse. Environmental scientists have been saying for some time that the global economy is being slowly undermined by environmental trends of human origin, including shrinking forests, expanding deserts, falling water tables, eroding soils, ...
Unintended Consequences of Renewable Energy. Problems to be Solved
Energy technologies in the future must be based on renewable sources of energy and they must be sustainable. This book provides insight into unintended negative impacts and how they can be avoided. In order to steer away from the pitfalls and unintended effects it is essential that necessary knowledge is present to the developers and decision makers engaged in renewable energy. This is where this ...
Organic Photovoltaics
Achieving efficient solar energy conversion at both large scale and low cost is among the most important technological challenges for the near future. The present volume describes and explains the fundamentals of organic/plastic solar cells in a manner accessible to both researchers and students. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the operational principles underlying several types of solar ...
TiO2 Nanotube Arrays
TiO2 Nanotube Arrays: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications is the first book to provide an overview of this rapidly growing field. Vertically oriented, highly ordered TiO2 nanotube arrays are unique and easily fabricated materials with an architecture that demonstrates remarkable charge transfer as well as photocatalytic properties. This volume includes an introduction to TiO2 nanotube arrays, ...
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