Solar Explain

Solar Explain

Advanced Insights on Technological Trends in PV Course



This course is designed to equip PV professionals with in-depth knowledge about the latest technological PV industry trends. This course is aimed to empower professionals to make better informed decisions in sales, business development, and gain competitive advantage in the PV industry. Unique professionals-to-professionals learning approach for practical applicability in your business.


  • Course level: Advanced
  • Course price: 359 EUR
  • Duration: 2 full days, 10:00 - 17:00 EET (incl. smart breaks for busy people)
  • Total participants: 15-30 PV industry decision-makers
Who should attend this course:
  • Solar energy business managers and owners
  • Sales representatives and agents
  • Project managers and developers
  • Consultants, authorities and electricity operators
  • Government officials, regulators and planners
  • New entrants preparing for a career in solar energy field
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, you will:
  • Understand the landscape of PV and BESS technologies trending in the market.
  • Gain insights into which technologies or business models are worth investing in for the upcoming years.
  • Be able to better evaluate and select appropriate equipment for the planned PV projects.
  • Understand the hidden risks of the products and learn from practical examples.
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding about PV equipment reasoning behind competing projects.
  • Know the upcoming EU regulations on business sustainability. 
  • Get access to closed Solar Explain Circle LinkedIn group for further networking.
Course Schedule:
  • Module 1: PV System Components and Technological Trends (Thursdays)
  • Module 2: PV application trends and business segments in EU (Fridays)

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