Clarke Energy - Training
The availability and reliability of power generating equipment is central to your plant's efficient operation. To ensure optimum operation and maintenance, you need a dedicated team of trained staff. Clarke Energy offers specialised customer-orientated training programmes for beginners and experienced service technicians alike. Customers, service providers and other stakeholders can participate in our comprehensive training program in one of GE's Energy training centres, or directly on-site at a customer's plant. The main focus of our training programmes - developed by GE's Global Training Centre for gas engines - is in-depth product knowledge, applications knowledge sharing and safety training. Our courses apply everything learned in both theoretical and practical sessions at the engine site to make sure your staff are well prepared to meet the challenges of everyday operation.
Most popular related searches
- Easier and more efficient operation of your equipment
- Greater safety for you as an operator
- Technical expertise for the operation and maintenance
- Knowledge-sharing of the GE gas engine technology
- Practical training modules, working directly on the engines
- Customised training modules to meet your individual requirements and specific engine configurations
- Multiple languages including English, German, Italian and Spanish (interpreters for other languages available on request)
Comprehensive Training
As the authorised distributor of the original equipment manufacturer, along with GE, we have the best understanding of your gas engine. We share this knowledge with you, our customers, to support your business and successfully run your power plant. Drawing on the many years of experience, our specialised trainers translate this deep product knowledge into an extensive training programme – one that is customisable based upon your specific gas engine’s application.
Modular Design
According to your needs, Clarke Energy, in collaboration with GE's Energy, offers specialised learning modules for operators and service engineers. Course content is adapted to your requirements to make certain that all participants receive the most relevant information. Training sessions consist of a theoretical section in the classroom and a practical unit working directly on a training engine or simulator. Our modular training programme begins with an operator course that provides the basis for the remainder of the training programme. The practically-orientated extension modules include:
- Training on the Job - Maintenance
- Training on the Job - Extended DIA.NE Access (for advanced learners)
Individual Units
Courses are held in small groups with a maximum of eight participants and take place at one of the GE Jenbacher training centres or onsite at the customer’s premises. On request, we can put together individual training units for topics of your choosing. In addition, we can organise refresher courses or customise information modules on current technological innovations. Training sessions are typically given in English, German, Italian or Spanish, but may also be offered in other languages or with interpreters on request. After successfully finishing a training module, each participant receives a completion certificate.
High-Tech Equipment
To ensure an optimal learning environment, training facilities are equipped with the latest technology and infrastructure:
- Classrooms with the latest presentation equipment
- Simulators for all engine control systems such as SAM, EMS 2000, EMS3000, DIA.NE and DIA.NE XT 3
- Training test bench with full functional and operational training engines ranging from genset to container solution for practical demonstrations of maintenance work
- Special tools for carrying out maintenance work
- Simulators for gas mixing and ignition systems.
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