Denby Energy

Denby Energy

Home Energy Audit Training Courses - Turn-Key Package



Turn-Key Package Includes everything in the “Get Started” package Plus, Our Exclusive Home Energy Audit Training Video Learning. Everything you need in video format, for greater retention and higher scores. Another exclusive- Window Film Video Training. There is a lot of misinformation out there. Let our industry expert teach you exactly what you need to know.


Everything in the “Get Started Package” Plus

  1. nline Video Training
  2. Professional Window Film Video Training

Designed for your success.

Designed for your success.
Denby Energy Home Energy Audit Training gives you the most comprehensive program available.

Intro: Introduction to Energy Auditing

Designed for your success. Denby Energy Home Energy Audit Training gives you the most comprehensive program available. Our welcome module that explains how the training process works and what you can expect from the course. This module sets the stage for the rest of your energy audit learning by giving you the essential foundation from which all the other elements will build.

You need a strong foundation to build your knowledge

Module 1: Basics of Energy

You’ll Learn:
1) Where energy comes from
2) How it gets to the home
3) How to Read and Understand Energy Bills
Knowing how to read an Energy Bill can save clients hundreds of dollars in wasted energy.

Module 2: Lighting

You’ll Learn:
1) The different types of lighting (CLFs, LEDs, CCFLs, and more)
2) How to quantify exactly how much it costs to run a light bulb
3) How to significantly lower energy bills
The average homeowner spends about $400 a year on lighting alone. With simple changes you can save homeowners about $300!

Module 3: Heating and Cooling

You’ll Learn:
1) How heaters work
2) How air conditioners work
3) How to select and use the air filters
3) How to significantly reduce the energy use without pricey upgrades.
The average homeowner spends over $900 a year on heating and cooling. Simple techniques can save the homeowner hundreds of dollars. For example, installing a programmable thermostat can save up to 15% or $135 alone!

Module 4: Appliances, Water Heaters and Electronics

You’ll Learn:
1) How to identify wasted energy
2) About tank and tankless water heaters.
3) How to save money by installing efficient appliances.
4) Easy to apply strategies and cost effective solutions that work.
The average homeowner can save almost 15% on their water heating bill with one simple strategy – turning down the temperature.

Module 5: Insulation, Doors and Windows

You’ll Learn:
1) The different types of insulation and R value
2) The biggest trouble spots in a home
3) How to properly seal and insulate a home.
Sealing air leaks can reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 10%.

Module 6: Water

You’ll Learn:
1) How water plays a critical role in energy efficiency.
2) How reducing shower loads can save significant money.
3) That new low-flow shower heads look and feel like the real thing – making changes really easy.
A leaking faucet that drips once every 2 seconds is wasting about 1,600 gallons a year – if that is hot water that you just paid to heat, you just wasted money!

Module 7: Advanced Audit Techniques

You’ll Learn:
1) How tools can increase your business.
2) How Blower Doors work, and how to read the outputs.
3) How Duct Blasters work, and how to read the outputs.
Blower doors depressurize the home and test for the amount of air pulled into the house through gaps in the building shell. The door can be used to diagnose the leaks as well as to “rate” the home.

Module 8: Tax Rebates, Credits and other Incentives

You’ll Learn:
1) The critical difference between a tax rebate and tax credit.
2) How to actually calculate rebates and credits.
3) About the major federal tax programs (including the fine-print)
4) Where to go to get the most current and accurate list of rebates, credits and incentives.
A tax rebate of $500 can result in an actual “savings” of only $75. Where as a tax credit would have an actual “savings” of $500.

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