IBBK Fachgruppe Biogas GmbH

IBBK Fachgruppe Biogas GmbH

- Level Pro Biogas Hands On Training Course



For the established biogas community: In many European countries, the Americas and all over the world, biogas plants are sprouting up like mushrooms. IBBK’s #HANDS ON and proBIOGAS #International courses focus on practical help to optimise your plant operation and give you a real insight into the complexities of every biogas project. Biogas #HANDS ON is an online course with 14 modules and proBIOGAS #International is a face-to-face course which includes biogas plant visits and a lab session so you get real-life exposure into the day-to-day operation of a state of the art biogas plant.

Training Overview

Applied Practice + Online Live Modular
The #HANDS ON courses are now in an online live modular form. That allows to attend from wherever you are and also to interact with the speaker and other participants in a confortable way. You don’t have to asign a whole week to this training, since it is divided in 14 modules that are distributed during 4 weeks on Twesdays and Thursdays. This training can be as a whole or separately booked.

The #HANDS ON courses provide a comprehensive and practice-related insight into the daily challenges involved in the operation of biogas plants with the advantage that you don’t have to travel. Get your questions about the content of this event answered and receive special 1-on-1 consulting from one of IBBK’s biogas experts.

  • Level: PRO
  • Language: English

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