Power Generation Training
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Services specific to the nuclear power industry. Development and implementation of simulator, classroom, and laboratory training. Operations Training (licensed and non-licensed). Engineering Training. Maintenance Training. Management and Supervisory Training.
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Training Classes Available
- Audit and license exam development
- Chemistry Fundamentals
- Heat Transfer Fundamentals
- Reactor / Nuclear Physics
- Thermodynamics and Fluid Flow Intro
- Boiling Water Reactors Intro
- Pressurized Water Reactors
- Power Plant Operations Overview
- Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
- Mathematics
- Electrical
- Mechanical
- I &C
- Non-licensed operator initial and requal training
- Licensed Operator initial and requal training
- Management and Supervisory training
- Training materials development
- Laboratory
- Simulator
- Classroom
- Team training
- Accreditation Self Evaluation Reports
- Re-accreditation assistance
- Procedure development
- Program Audits / Performance Assessment
Nuclear Training Experience
FRG Corporation is dedicated to performance improvement, providing the highest quality personnel available to support our clients. Our services encompass performance assessment/evaluation and all phases of training support. Our twenty five years of experience includes:
Staff Augmentation
- Instructors
- Instructional Technologists
- Training supervisors and managers
- Performance Improvement professionals
Training Support
- Instructor Skills Training
- Problem and Needs analysis
- Performance status in relation to industry standards
- Program implementation and resulting impacts
Training and development for managers and supervisors
- Leadership and team building skills
- Problem solving and decision making
- Communication techniques
- Work flow analysis and improvement
- Observing and managing performance
- Skills for implementing culture change
- Coaching and mentoring
Self-assessment and audit support Development and implementation of departmental and business wide performance indicators
- Identification of relevant performance indicators for trending performance
- Design of processes for collecting and reporting performance indicators
- Training on the use of performance indicators for continuous program improvement and monitoring
Policy and procedure Development
- procedures
- administrative
- operations
- maintenance
- abnormal and emergency
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