Technical Courses for Engineers
We believe that the time you invest with us will provide you a meaningful, practical, hands on training experience that you’ll be able to use on the job tomorrow. The topic sessions will be presented in an interactive manner by presentation and discussion of the key issues and case studies based on actual events.
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In order to be able to illustrate real-life situations more vividly and more effectively, we offer to participate in EA-PSM training. On these training participant will be able to model different situations with the software so that the theoretical content taught in the classroom can be demonstrated even more clearly.
We are working to achieve the best results, and 9 out of 10 training participants are likely to recommend the Energy Advice organized training for their friends or colleagues.
Besides the standard topics we offer seminars designed specifically for your company, please contact us for more details.
We encourage you to review learning program and register for a course today!
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