McHale & Associates has conducted heat rate improvement and power plant performance monitoring courses for plant performance engineers and operators.
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Some typical training topics include:
Some typical training topics include:
- Uncertainty
- Basic thermodynamics
- Plant thermodynamic design cycle
- Plant efficiency and losses
- Impact of operational parameters on heat rate and efficiency
- Individual component performance
- Review of test codes, instrumentation, methodology and calculations
- Sample problems
Classroom and Hands-On Operator Training:
- Typically two days of classroom sessions to discuss course content
- Plant lineup walk down
- Identify sources of thermal losses
- Observe plant operations
- Controllable losses
One on One Engineer Training:
- Review cycle heat balances, thermal kit and other component performance de-sign information
- Review component and overall plant testing, plant and performance testing instrumentation, data requirements, test model inputs/outputs, and sensitivity of results to variations in operational parameters.
- Results of the training program
- Client feedback
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