#Anklous Ess 60 160 Hybrid C&I Ess - Video

Cluster type energy storage system
Suitable for island microgrid, hotels, factories... and etc.
.On & Off grid application
.Output power range: 30KW-125KW
.Battery capacity in a single cabinet: 60KWH - 160KWH
.Rated PV power in a single cabinet: 60KW
.Three-phase & Single-phase output

Battery single module is 160KWH,
16pcs can be connected in parallel as a group to achieve the 2.56MWH.

Battery Module
.Using LiFePO4 battery, more safe and stable 3 level BMS specify the battery .management to single battery cell.

PCS Module (Inverter)
.Adopt IGBT control chip
.Can On grid & Off grid AC output
.Power of a single module 60KW

.IP54 protection level
.Build-in smoke, water, temperature alarm device and aerosol fire module

Dual Fire Protection
.S-type Automatic Aerosol Fire Extinguishing
.Device for FC (3 cubic)/S-tpe
.Automatic Aerosol Fire EXtinguishing Device in each LFP rack (0.2 Cubic)
.Smoke / Temperature alarm device

. Solar Energy Power Storage
. Energy Storage Power Station
. Solar Energy Storage
. PV Charging Station

Product Features
.High Integration
Highly integrated ESS with outdoors cabinet design provides high protection class
.Safe and Reliable
Three level BMS structure for good cooperation and better operation performance
Supports system parallel connection and easy for expansion
.Pre-Engineered System
Easy for on-site installation and save the cost

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