Wind Farm Videos
Offshore Wind Farm - Video
Video Credits: Curtis Pinnock, his team, and Turbine Transfers and their vessel, Kinmel Bay Thank you for this fantastic compilation of what our ROV can ...
By VideoRay LLC
Noupoort Wind Farm (80 Megawatts), South Africa Video
This great footage showcases the construction of the Noupoort wind farm in the Northern Cape, South Africa. Project Manager, Pule Segale talks about what this project brings to the local community and what renewable energy means for South ...
ADLS DeTect Inc - Drone Footage - Video
In response to the Dark Sky initiative to reduce light pollution and customer demand, DeTect developed the HARRIER Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems (ADLS) for automatic obstruction lighting activation for aviation obstructions such as wind farm turbines, high voltage transmission lines and communication ...
By DeTect, Inc.
W2E 3.X MW Wind Turbine Model With Winergy Medium-Speed Hybriddrive - Video
Noteworthy, specifically the medium-speed Winergy HybridDrive has performed flawlessly ever since commissioning. W2E 3.x MW platform wind turbines are operating in wind farms in Germany and the Ukraine. ...
The GlobeCore Clean Marine for purification/degassing of electric insulation oils
The GlobeCore Clean Marine unit is designed for purification and degassing of electric insulation oils on sea-faring vessels, off-shore platforms and wind-farms, in ship-works and wharfs. see more on contact Oxana Bichurina for more information e-mail: skype : mg5globecore_de ...
By GlobeCore PC
The power of the wind - Video
Our track record includes 80 completed wind farms with a total capacity of 1500 MW. In the next few years, we will add considerably to Europe’s wind power capacity. ...
Development of Solar and Wind Energy in China Video
China's solar and wind energy show booming growth within the last decade, and it is going to overtake the production of solar panels and wind farms of the U.S. and Germany within a few ...
Custom Dashboards in Breeze Video
Use Custom Dashboards in Breeze to build and customize dashboards across portfolio, wind farm and turbine level, all according to your unique workflow requirements as a wind turbine owner or ...
By Greenbyte AB
Seeing is believing in Offshore Wind Trailer- Video Tractebel Engineering is playing a broad and leading role in Offshore Wind Farm design and realisation in Europe; bringing multidisciplinary expertise and added value to its clients at every phase of ...
Seeing is believing in Offshore Wind - Video Tractebel Engineering is playing a broad and leading role in Offshore Wind Farm design and realisation in Europe; bringing multidisciplinary expertise and added value to its clients at every phase of ...
Rio Tinto Renewable Energy In Practice - Diavik Wind Farm Video
Mining industry is increasingly using renewable energy such as wind, hydro and solar energy to meet its onsite needs. ...
By Nu Energy
Vestas V29 Video
The versatile Turbine excels in many applications from community power projects to small Wind Farms. The V29 is designed to function exceptionally well in a variety of climates, locations and wind regimes. ...
Windplanner turorial how to add color to hub and rotor blades Video
Windplanner is a web-application for the visualization and communication of wind and solar farms. Users can plan and visualize themselves using this software. ...
By Windplanner
Tractebel Engineering, Renewable Energy- Video
Once criticized for its energy policy, Portugal today is one of the leaders in wind energy. The many wind farms in the hilly surrounding countryside of Porto give evidence of the country's option for renewable energy. ...
Offshore Wind Technology Developed in Sidney -Video
There it will be deployed 12 miles offshore to gather data for what is aiming to be North America's first offshore wind farm. Fishermen's will use this wind data to support future funding and development for the project, known in the industry as "bankable ...
Wind and Solar Specialists - How much can you save? VIdeo
How much money can you save by switching your farm to wind or solar energy? Here from existing farmers that are enjoying the return on their renewable energy investment. ...
Channel 4 KTIV - Wind and Solar Specialists A&M Jensen Farms 36kW Solar Array Video
Alan and Maureen Jensen commissioned Wind and Solar Specialists out of Alta, Iowa to procure and install a 36kW solar array on their 2400 acre, 9000 head of hog farm operation. ...
Delta4000 Series incl. N149/5X & N163/5X (ENG) - Video
Both new 5.X turbines cover a wide range of power modes in the 5 MW+ class and increase the competitive-ness even further in light and medium-wind sites. Depending on investment criteria in the customer‘s business case the wind park can be optimized with regards to AEP, rating, lifetime and sound requirements. ...
By Nordex SE
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